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the lone fisherman

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Everything posted by the lone fisherman

  1. don't use a snap i think it takes away from the swim baits action
  2. sorry guys for not replying just got off of work but anyways i ordered the ultimate not u2 yea kinda sucks i ordered than seen the catfish swim bait they have too but don't wanna pay shipping twice i caught a 8 pound bass 1/18/11 and it had a 6'' catfish in her belly but ill try it soon and ill let you guys know if i catch big bass off the ultimate gill ;)thank for the help
  3. has anyone had any luck with the ultimate bream Matt lure just ordered me one
  4. I'm just like you i fish from the bank.i fish normally culprit worms,lizards,and frogs.if they don't work use a live bream on a bobber
  5. some one told me about book earlier its''what fish see'' I'm not big on reading but the first couple of pages seem to be good you should check it all on amazon
  6. can you explain that to me a little more
  7. no I'll tell you a line take sucks that's Berkley fused line but I'll look in to your line how much is it
  8. i usaully fish with 8 pound test ive used 4 pound before but what kind of line do you use i use stren and vanish
  9. if u find a way let me know cause theres a lake here called blues springs lake it was the best bass fishing around it is nothing but cypress stump lake every year 10 pound plus bass came out from the lake but years ago they close it cause someone got hurt there and sued the owner so it closed and now it sit in the wood and no one can fish the lake even game warden goes there once a day still to make sure no one is there
  10. i fish a big lime rock pit and the water is very clear so the bass are really hard to catch its seems like it takes a act of god to get one to bite the one i caught the two weeks ago was on a black and blue lizard but than other bass turn there nose to it I'm always trying new things.but my Pb is 9 pounds on a live bream but trying to stay away from live bait.its not the same if not off a lure you know
  11. i got a black and grey rapala jerk bait ill try that
  12. oh i get it like bream what do u think to imitate a small catfish cause two weeks ago i caught a 8 pound with one about 7'' long in his belly
  13. why does the color blue or purple imitate bait fish just wondering
  14. thanks for the info can you explain why they do if not still thanks
  15. i ve been wondering what certain colors are supose to look like or imitate like blues;purples,reds,ect. if anybody knows it help me out thanks
  16. i walked right up on them but then i waited a while then came back and casted way back
  17. i was fishing a few days ago and found two males on a bed in about 5' of water at the edge of the bank and there were three big females in the area and every couple of minutes a female would come to the bed i casted everything i could think of crank baits,frog,worms,lizards,brush hogs,on the out skirts and in the bed. and also the water is super clear its a lime rock pit and the bed is kinda in the corner of the pit :o and how long do must bass bed
  18. thanks for the help i fish from the bank the bass were staying mainly in cover then would come out then back in i didn't see no bed the cover was at the bank small trees and brush with canopy of dead green on top of it the cover only about 7' by 8' in about 7; deep
  19. went fishing yesterday and seen two big bass they stayed in the same area all day one 8 lb. one looked 11 or 12 lbs. i caught a 8 lb. last week in the same spot on a black and blue lizard i tried it i tried green brush hog and also floating 10'' black snake they didn't even want a live bream do u guys have any ideas the water is very clear about 10 to 15 feet deep and alot of dead weed on the bottom
  20. nice stripers it be real nice to catch some large mouth bass that size ;D
  21. who cares just read it. i fish not type ;D ;D >
  22. I've been fishing culprit worms 7.5'' and all i can catch is small bass the big ones don't even look at it. do ya ll have any info that could help
  23. my best are the rapala 2.25 jointed minnow black and silver and also the rooster tail white
  24. i was fishing yesterday and started catching bream for live bait and all the bream that where about 30 feet deep came up were white with lite blue tent after awhile in the bucket they would change back to the right color but some stayed white :how is this and why
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