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Everything posted by deaknh03

  1. Ok guys, here we go.. For you newbies who don't know what this is, here is how it works. You announce to the world in this thread that you intend to play. Then you MUST PM me your name and address. I draw names to pair or group up players. You will receive a name and address from me via PM on or around Dec 10. You research that person, go buy a gift, and send it to them postmarked by Dec 15. Patiently wait by your mailbox to receive your gift (I sent your name and address to someone else who researched you, bought you a gift, and mailed it to you before Dec 14.) You can open it when you want but you must post pictures of the loot for all of us to see. Here are the RULES, If you don't like them, to bad. You MUST be over 18 to play. You MUST have over 200 meaningful posts and be reasonably active on the forum. (I decide what is meaningful and reasonable) You MUST proclaim your intent to participate in this thread prior to December 8. You MUST send me a PM with your Name and Address prior to December 9. Minimum gift amount is $25. Maximum is up to you but don't expect to get more than $25. You may or may not get the name of the person sending your gift. You will get a return PM from me before Dec 10 with the name and address of the person you are buying for. You MUST send the gift prior to Dec 16. You may open the package when you get it or wait to Xmas. I will periodically post a list of official participants on this thread. It is up to you to check back after you send your PM to make sure you are on the list. A separate thread will be started to post pictures of the loot you received. Let the fun begin.
  2. You're a survivor, you'll be fine. You're a survivor, you'll be fine.
  3. I'm with you. 30 years ago the dentist told me to remove them. I didnt. No issues. Come to find out wisdom tooth removal is big, easy money. No wonder they pull every customer/patients whether there's an issue or not.
  4. A mind is like a parachute, it doesn't work if its not open
  5. Thats what I was gonna ask. Go read the gun forum then choose wisely.
  6. I'm between $500-$2000. We use cash for everything. Zero credit card debt.
  7. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Leave him alone until he gets glasses.
  8. Hey buddy, great to hear from you..been a bit.
  9. When I started framing 20 something years ago, my boss made me use a 28oz wooden handle framer. My arm would be dragging at the end of the day. They all used 32s.
  10. I was nailing a top plate on a wall 2 weeks ago. 20 0z wooden framing hammer slipped, bounced back and hit me in the face. Luckily no damage but a bad split lip. 32 oz? That's a baby sledgehammer.
  11. I've had it off and on for 6 years. It comes and goes but its definitely frustrating.
  12. So just to connect the dots...I gifted you a box of jigs, you suck at jig fishing, you send me unsolicited pics of what looks like a partially shaved female wookie, and I'm the bad guy?
  13. I used to chat with chris shortly after he left br. He got heavily into photography and basically gave up fishing. He was also into car audio in a big way. Nice guy. https://lightineverycorner.com/
  14. I'm calling bs. There was no electricity yet when you were growing up.
  15. No because its dead
  16. Yep, its the long car rides that get me
  17. I'll need eyedrops too, for the burning
  18. Is there a chance that tattoo is contributing to the pain? I know its causing me mental anguish looking at it.
  19. If I remember correctly, kobe bryant went overseas to have this done for his knee and swore it helped him heal.
  20. Same gun for my wife. Nice carry.
  21. My guess is its coming from the cap area. The mortar there looks compromised. Your step flashing looks fine, you would really need a waterfall flowing uphill to get in the seams of the flashing.
  22. Fake news. You're all insane and I'm normal.
  23. That was December, i haven't touched a razor since then.
  24. Love this band
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