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Everything posted by deaknh03

  1. The niners have a phenomenal D, great weapons on O, and a coach that knows how to maximize the qb position when given the correct player that is willing to listen. Purdy would be on the bench on any other team. Take away Samuel and/or McCaffrey and he's exposed, thats not a great qb, thats a great system.
  2. Same old cowboys. Coaching and talent just good enough to give their fans hope but they suck at the little things that win important games
  3. He just needs a hug and a trophy. They should put his mom on the team for moral support
  4. @slonezp will be wanting that back
  5. I've had a lot of luck on gantarels. Nice bait.
  6. I didnt have the heart
  7. Here's the thread to post pics of your fishmas loot.
  8. Robert..had to be robert
  9. See a Dr
  10. I sent all the names, if you didn't get one please notify me asap.
  11. Guess what you're gonna get
  12. Its gotta be something...or you could read the list.
  13. Dogbone384 Txchaser Wrb Fishballer06 Ata Garroyo130 Siebert outdoors Mn fisher Roadwarrior Swhit140 Wisconsin heat Tcroc Jrob78 Dgkasper58 Chris catignani Sprodd79 Jbricker heavy duty brian mdtx darth baiter Ksanford33 Luke Barnes Deleted account Lrgmouthshad Gary H Gera Saturday afternoon I will be sending names and addresses out. I'll take names until Saturday morning.
  14. Dogbone384 Txchaser Wrb Fishballer06 Ata Garroyo130 Siebert outdoors Mn fisher Roadwarrior Swhit140 Wisconsin heat Tcroc Jrob78 Dgkasper58 Chris catignani Sprodd79 Jbricker heavy duty brian mdtx darth baiter Ksanford33 Luke Barnes Deleted account Lrgmouthshad Latest and greatest @deletedaccount, I missed your initial proclamation. Apologies for any consternation.
  15. Read the first 5 comments after my initial post. They all have something in common.
  16. Dogbone384 Txchaser Wrb Fishballer06 Ata Garroyo130 Siebert outdoors Mn fisher Roadwarrior Swhit140 Wisconsin heat Tcroc Jrob78 Dgkasper58 Chris catignani Sprodd79 Jbricker heavy duty brian mdtx darth baiter Ksanford33 Luke Barnes Newest list
  17. Dogbone384 Txchaser Wrb Fishballer06 Ata Garroyo130 Siebert outdoors Mn fisher Roadwarrior Swhit140 Wisconsin heat Tcroc Jrob78 Dgkasper58 Chris catignani Sprodd79 Jbricker heavy duty brian mdtx darth baiter Ksanford33 Here is my list of guys that are in. If you think you're in but don't see your name, read the rules and act accordingly.
  18. Dec 8th is next week. The list above are the guys in so far.
  19. i carried my lcp in my pocket, but about a year ago got a decent owb holster for it, it stays right there whether im in a store, driving or working. Those little guns are perfect for concealment, and with some home defense loaded up, they take care of threats.
  20. Dogbone384 Txchaser Wrb Fishballer06 Ata Garroyo130 Siebert outdoors Mn fisher Roadwarrior Swhit140 Wisconsin heat Tcroc Jrob78 Dgkasper58 Chris catignani Sprodd79 Jbricker heavy duty brian mdtx darth baiter if you do not see your name here, you have not followed the rules. Read the original post and act accordingly.
  21. You should get her an autographed pic of Leslie west.
  22. I use Spotify but also have an ipod with overv10,000 tunes transferred from my cd collection
  23. Just a heads up, there a a good handful of guys not on that list above but wish to be. The cutoff date is coming fast. If you're not on the list, there is a reason. Read the original sign up post and take it from there.
  24. Here's my list of guys that have read and followed the rules Dogbone384 Txchaser Wrb Fishballer06 Ata Garroyo130 Siebert outdoors Mn fisher Roadwarrior Swhit140 Wisconsin heat Tcroc Jrob78 Dgkasper58 Chris catignani Sprodd79 Jbricker
  25. Sure, thats what I did last year because we had an odd number Reminder..read the post. The list will include people that post and pm. Not 1 or the other, both. Not meant for you Tom, meant for everyone.
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