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Everything posted by deaknh03

  1. Grateful Dead..summer of 1990, east coast shows from NC to NH. Time of my life.
  2. I know...we all said that at one time. Good luck and get familiar with throw pillows and doilies.
  3. I would bet it's a recent move in..just saying any guy that uses his living room as his tackle room is single or with a new girl..once she gets comfortable she'll start moving that stuff to the garage.
  4. Single guy here.
  5. deaknh03


    you would think you would want it to be though.
  6. Happy bday. Those 5" savages swim great, and you can throw them on that heavy rod no problem. I had troubles hooking up with the treble on top, the bottom setup worked better for me.
  7. Next time you see him, punch him in the ear, no questions asked.
  8. deaknh03


    One of them is not a rumor...congrats buddy. Tiptruck can speak and write fluently 1 language.
  9. I've been on the water with shane j, klubba t, and fishing rhino. Look forward to meeting more.
  10. That Mb is a beautiful reel my friend..the shrapnel aint nothing to sneeze at either!
  11. My first one, I told my wife that an organ had exploded inside me. I spent the trip to the ER curled up in a ball on the floor of the car.
  12. Worse.
  13. Unfortunately....we don't!
  14. Between the 2 lures you mentioned, the dog walks much better. The xpod was kind of a gimmick as far as the jaw goes, but it will walk fairly easily, just not like the dog.
  15. Sugar can be bad for people that form stones, and the best "lemonade" for stones is actual lemon juice, from a lemon or a pure juice mixed with water. It's one of the things I drink regularly to inhibit stones. Another mistaken "fact" is cranberry juice is good for stones..it's good for uti's associated with stones, but it must be cranberry juice, not cocktail and not sugared up.
  16. I have had a workup, changed my diet, drink more water and the stones frequency has lessened dramatically. When I had my xray, there were too many to count in there and I chose to pass them. I also choose to not take any prescriptions.
  17. Calcium oxalate stones..broccoli and a bunch of other seemingly good stuff..spinach etc..
  18. Man.....I really feel for you. I've passed 30+ in the last 20 years. Went to the ER for the first one, as I was pretty sure I was dieing..the rest I just gut it out for a couple hours and pass them. I did find a great method to get them out, and it has worked for my last last last or so. I will post a link after, also I take a supplement called stonebreaker which I'm believing is helping. It's called the jump and bump method, it has really worked for me..I can feel those buggers move right thru me.
  19. Great bait, just as the regular gantarel. Well worth the $30. They have great action, and they sure as heck catch fish.
  20. Gantarel if you want a solid, great action bait..find one for 20-25 used.
  21. Post the photo here, until that happens none of it even makes sense.
  22. The only correlation I can come up with is that Beyonce, the dixie chicks, and new style country music all suck.
  23. sadly, anything that involves a lot of money is potentially fixed..not saying this series was fixed, but it's not impossible.
  24. Why?
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