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Everything posted by deaknh03

  1. state bird is a plastic flamingo
  2. Why shouldn't it be? People should stay together and be miserable? Life's too short for that.
  3. Do loons like the taste of lead better than tin or tungsten?
  4. I use the gillroid here in NH and it gets hit, a lot.
  5. Same thing you win if you almost catch a fish.
  6. yep, the gremlin. Jesus, its been a long time since I've seen a pacer or gremlin. My dad had a vega when we were kids.
  7. I'm hoping this happened 30 years ago.
  8. How light are the lures. I like 6 or 8lb yo zuri for 3/8oz lures.
  9. You have 2 out of 3, you just weren't born a woman. Your welcome.
  10. doesn't seem like you wanted opinions as much as some reinforcement of what you already wanted. Good luck, keep fishin.
  11. I don't think your seeing what is being said to you...what advice are you looking for? Do you want to babysit her so she's not "pissy", your word, and every time you go fishing or leave the house you know your coming home to "pissy"...sounds like it might take a little fun out of a fishing trip. She's a big girl, if she can't find something to occupy her own time, your gonna be "working this out" for the rest of your life. She's not even my girlfriend and I just broke up with her.
  12. Please don't take this as me being a jerk off, but you need to think about why your with her. It's not your job, as a young man, to find her hobbies because she's bored. I think most of us have been there, done that, with this type of girl, and I will honestly tell you, get away while you can.
  13. Sounds like a story made up to get reactions. Just my,sometimes silly, opinion.
  14. Didn't happen.
  15. She'll be happy until she smells you. Rotten senko is not appealing.
  16. We have a local beer up here in nh called tuckermans...yummy.
  17. Like your from Alabama..no way. That sentence had punctuation, was all spelled correctly and made sense. You threw a yall in to trick us.
  18. Drink the double ipa, don't hang out with friends that have hot wives, and don't drive after having some of those.
  19. nothing the post office does is immediate, so kudos to them for at least doing the forwarding thing immediately...unfortunately its the wrong service to do that for.
  20. If OJ came out of retirement he'd play for the bengals.
  21. Don't get stuck on standards like 8 hr days and stuff like that. Plenty of enjoyable money making opportunities outside of that box.
  22. Is your new woman's name Caitlyn? Is she literally a "new" woman?
  23. Try changing your boots.
  24. I've had good luck with the baby torpedo.
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