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Everything posted by deaknh03

  1. The occasional ice cube is the only mixer you need. Spring water, of course.
  2. Cut him some slack..he's an Eagles fan. Their best all time player is Tony Franklin for Petes sake.
  3. If your line digs in, even a little, or if you have even a slight kink in your line, when you try to cast full force, the slight resistance will break the lure off every time.
  4. Enjoy. That game was KC's super bowl.
  5. It Looked Like The Entire Team Quit In The 4th qtr.
  6. That was a beatdown. Thankfully it's the 1st game of the season and not the last.
  7. The spread is based on where the money is, and where they want it to go.
  8. Seattle this year. D is great, O should be improved with a healthy Wilson.
  9. As difficult as you make it.
  10. I was kinda surprised at that. I always thought of him as a lifelong tiger. Guess that doesn't happen these days.
  11. If you want something that's going to last, get a mac. If you want something that will last a couple years, then get thrown out, get a windows based machine. Fact.
  12. Colts suck. Brissett was gonna be cut, and instead the Pats parlayed him into a first round draft pick of a receiver.
  13. Both.
  14. I was thinking the same thing..yummy GMOs.
  15. Pretty sure, like has been mentioned, they are generic bodies from china, repainted by whomever buys them, then resold.
  16. You obviously have some sort of antidote, antivenom, vaccine thingy..or your an imposter.
  17. A Confederacy of Dunces. Classic stuff.
  18. After this post your obligated to change your avatar and username..
  19. Good to see you back buddy. Some words to live by going forward..work to live not live to work. Kids get big quick bro.
  20. The cover is polished by uv rays..so there's that.
  21. Sounds legit. If I were you I would start spending the money now.
  22. Stays or leaves, he has a lot of miles on those tires. Guys straight outta HS play a lot more than other guys, takes years off the career, and they tend to drop off quickly. I say he's got 1 or 2 more solid years then he starts breaking down quickly.
  23. Had to be. Isiah is a FA after this year, so with lebron opting out, they're gonna retool next year.
  24. I'm on board. Kyrie is a better all around player than Isiah, just the fact that he's taller helps his d. Plus he's been to the finals a couple times, and performed well when it counts. I think Isiah and LeBron are a bad fit.
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