Newspaper story: Athens Banner Hearld
Two men competing in a bass tournament Saturday on the Oconee River got a rude surprise when a man on the bank shot one of them, apparently trying to warn them away from his own lines, according to Greene County Sheriff Chris Houston.
The men had headed upriver about noon when they noticed a fishing camp on the bank and saw an elderly man wearing overalls, standing at the riverside.
The elderly Madison man raised a rifle and fired two shots, which hit the water in front of the boat, the men told a Greene County sheriff's deputy. The elderly man fired a third shot, which hit one of the men in the boat - identified as Craig Barnett of Sycamore - under his left arm, according to a sheriff's department report.
After the shots rang out, the men sped up and headed toward an area known as Dyar's Pasture, where they found cell phone service and could call 911.
Barnett "showed me a dime- sized hole under his left arm and handed me a small-caliber bullet that he stated came out of the hole," a sheriff's deputy wrote in a report.
The .22-caliber bullet was taken into evidence.
Houston said the shore fisherman - identified as John Burke Yearwood, 86, of Madison - has put out fishing lines in the area for decades.
"He was just trying to warn (them) away from the fishing lines," Houston said Tuesday.
Investigators found Yearwood at his home. Before he was arrested, Yearwood told investigators he had a rifle and had been at the river camp Saturday, according to the report.
Yearwood was booked into the Greene County Jail on an aggravated assault charge. Barnett's wound wasn't life-threatening, authorities said.
The state Department of Natural Resources helped with the investigation.