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flyphisher #

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Everything posted by flyphisher #

  1. When I pond fish, I feel like the fish are a little dumber than the fish in the lakes I fish tournaments on. So I try alot of new techniques,different baits, or something i am not quite comfortable with yet,when i am fun fishing if possible. That way I have the hang of whatever it is i am doing before I go and start prefishing the big lakes I fish. I feel like doing this shortens my learning curve alot of times and maximizes my time on the water when it money is on the line.
  2. Thats why I always carry a good pair of forceps in my tackle bag, contrary to the beliefs of fishing buddies they are good for more than a roach clip ;D ....Been lucky and havent had to cut the line in a tournament but once or twice, i can remember. Flyfishing for trout with small nymphs and dry flies, forceps are a must unless you really like lossing flies...that why i know this....
  3. Speedbead, welcome to the minority....its an exclusive club.... ;D
  4. Newspaper story: Athens Banner Hearld Two men competing in a bass tournament Saturday on the Oconee River got a rude surprise when a man on the bank shot one of them, apparently trying to warn them away from his own lines, according to Greene County Sheriff Chris Houston. The men had headed upriver about noon when they noticed a fishing camp on the bank and saw an elderly man wearing overalls, standing at the riverside. The elderly Madison man raised a rifle and fired two shots, which hit the water in front of the boat, the men told a Greene County sheriff's deputy. The elderly man fired a third shot, which hit one of the men in the boat - identified as Craig Barnett of Sycamore - under his left arm, according to a sheriff's department report. After the shots rang out, the men sped up and headed toward an area known as Dyar's Pasture, where they found cell phone service and could call 911. Barnett "showed me a dime- sized hole under his left arm and handed me a small-caliber bullet that he stated came out of the hole," a sheriff's deputy wrote in a report. The .22-caliber bullet was taken into evidence. Houston said the shore fisherman - identified as John Burke Yearwood, 86, of Madison - has put out fishing lines in the area for decades. "He was just trying to warn (them) away from the fishing lines," Houston said Tuesday. Investigators found Yearwood at his home. Before he was arrested, Yearwood told investigators he had a rifle and had been at the river camp Saturday, according to the report. Yearwood was booked into the Greene County Jail on an aggravated assault charge. Barnett's wound wasn't life-threatening, authorities said. The state Department of Natural Resources helped with the investigation.
  5. what Avid said.....Why spend time you could be fishing or reading about fishing or looking at nekkid chicks on the web, looking for this stuff to get your panites in a wad about.....If its legal, who cares..... Spear fishing aint as easy as yall think it is.... some of you think doing anything with fish other than w/ "approved lures on 6lb test is wrong, just beacuse you dont do it... How are carp any different than a snakehead????? I like catching carp on fly tackle but I am still going to invest in bow tackle because it looks fun and its nessasary pest control....
  6. Avid, good question....should be interesting if he responds......especially the entertaining conspiracy theories involving DNR and such ;D ;D
  7. Have some of their poppers. Caught a lot of this on them after changing the hooks
  8. McClelland, KLein, Hackney, and Rook Follow the best angler that will have smallest crowd following him if i were you....IKE and KVD will have a floatilla in tow i am sure...
  9. go to 6lb on that setup and it will cast a mile.....
  10. If i am in my boat, I am alone 98% of the time unless i am fishing a tournament. Everytime I take someone, It reminds me of why i fish alone...
  11. Heard today, It was the partner of who i figured it was....hopefully they will stay out of "my river"....But anyway 80 something year old land owner got mad about them not idling by his property and started yelling,(no reason)When they came back down river under power, he shot the driver of the boati n the the arm with .22 rifle.Man said he was shooting at a snake... They still weighed in and won a good 1st place check.. Dont know about charges or what not.... Some of the older people on rivers around here are a little ignorant of the water laws.....I had a confrontation on another river, a homeowner thought the no wake zone applied to the whole river and not just the boat ramp....something i asked LEO about and he said that man had tried to make citizens arrest about it : : He man blamed me for his jon boat sinkin, it was covered with slime and threatened to use a pistol on me if i didnt stay there while he called DNR.....I hauled Arse....
  12. Dolphin=mahi mahi=Dorado, if i confused anyone....... Now if you really want to ruffle feathers, go to a Southeastern freshwater flyfishing board and start posting recipes for wild brook trout ;D.... If you are cooking wild trout in most areas down here, you are an arse plain and simple...Bass are a different story...They are not good eating without some doctoring....which I think that about all freshwater fish. Decrease Enviromental quality is way bigger threat to bass than someone keeping a few and eating them.
  13. ???????? :
  14. Monroe used a white Tora tube....Wasnt it bigger than 7"???? It looked like it on TV.
  15. When in doubt ....go with Green pumpkin
  16. As some of yall know, I had major foot surgery a few months ago.... Been fishing a few times and its been frustrating.Which is killing me, counted in my log the other day, I fish 207 days last year ..... Not able to stand very long, especially not in a boat. I have always bass fished standing up even in a my gheenoe, on the front or back deck, to the point that I have only fished in certain people's boat once due to be uncomfortable and feeling unable to fish... I have a bass boat w/ good size decks and usally use pro-style butt seat on the front, but cant really get comfortable w/ sitting down, feels awkward, and missing alot of fish on the hookset :'(. Any tips, suggestions, or similar experiences......
  17. Not a big fan of freshwater fish but that sounds good.... My mom used to bake them w/ italian dressing and such...pretty good too. now we can get much better seafood so that or bream/catfish is what my folks eat now... I like going an eating dolphin w/ a good beer or 3 served by a hot waitress a little better now. Did have some keeper size bass rolled and cooked w/ grated coconuts....Hesitantly tried it, Was really good.
  18. Will post more details when I hear them. As of now I know it was someone fishing a 90 boats tournament on lake oconee yesterday. Was up lake around oconee river mouth(where i would have been alot of times)....He went by at considerable speed and some homeowner got mad ...Angler fished back down bank to dock and the guy runs out to dock shooting and grazes his shoulder with a .22 rifle....It didnt take much to win, I am guessing he caught his fish before the incident.... Will post more or edit story when I hear more... Heard alll this this monring on the phone...i am still shocked...
  19. Immature KId having a bad day???? Not going to rip me, yet you did :...considering your usual persona on here, i think you may have had a bad day......I am 28 years old, 2 college degrees w/ a 3rd in progress,Have worked for and Own everything I have, Trucks,boats, home, small piece of land on the farm I grew up on that my folks still own.....in the past show horses that cost what I wish i could spend on a newer bassboat now....... I didnt even direct my comments at you......I dont think i am the puffy one. Not rip me????looks like you did...I dont just shoot random dogs or bedfish w/ dynamite ...I honestly hate killing dogs and have never disposed of my own dogs.... When you have hundreds of thousands of dollars of livestock and 3 hunting dogs roaming your famiy's dairy farm..With small county dumpster areas within a half mile of your farm, there used to be alot of sick strays plus we used to have to dispose of our own dead animals..used to be a problem..You figure out quick what dog is a threat if you are lucky enough to see them. Several have been rapid that my dad or I shot. Coyotes that you see, are sick or hungry/brave or bred w/ dogs, need to be taken care of...Have actually killed more coyotes than dogs in the last 10 years...Deer and feral hogs are pest here in many areas...not enough people help manage them..it just happens we can eat them though. I would think most anti-bowfishers prollie dont bed fish either.Guys around here bowfish prior to the gar/carp spawn when they flood the shallows to feed on bream/bass and their eggs..... I personally have seen carp and gar in some areas of my homelake raid bass beds...Carp are the worst sucking up eggs like a vaccum cleaner...and trashing beds, Although you may choose not to do it, be glad some else is helping w/ pest control, what little dent they actually put in the population of trash fish helps a little...Not like they are putting the in the a dumpster(illegal) or playing sick pranks with them.....
  20. Country boy, thanks for insulting the bows, some of us shoot :....you Sound like a real expert on the subject, yet you havent killed a deer yet....you should fit in well with the majority here.... : I would bet I can outshoot you with my Poor shooting Equipment.... Used to bow hunt alot......now i am still fishing when bow season comes around....Looking for a deal on a bowfishing set-up though.....Oconee has some trophy gar now Saw one spawning this year that was a good 4-5ft and 3ft or so in diameter. Kill a coyote with a bow and you have done something....One of the smartest animals I have encountered....Hope yall are taking them out to, when you do see them... There used to be a mexican that worked on a farm near here that would buy them for non-food purposes :-?
  21. Amazing how the same people that will whine about the quality of the fishing where they are, yet they get mad when people are removing one of the reasons that the fishing is going down. :..because they are not eating them......Well I cant eat coyotes, wild dogs or feral cats, but i still kill everyone I see due to the fact that they are not supposed to be here...guess that makes me a monster or something.....
  22. Team Daiwa Advantage 150p. $99.99. Had it for 2 years and it hasnt missed a beat. Smooth. well engineered. For true deep cranking, you may want to look at some of the round Abu garcia's with the 4:3:1 ratio, I think....according to a cranking expert I know, the gears dont hold up in other reels like they do the Abu's....should be able to find one on ebay.
  23. Find a Daiwa Procaster-X on Ebay..... on my pitching rods....I use them and cant believe what I got for the $. The old X's make the new procasters are junk...... I also have a Abu Garcia 2005lp on a 7' flipping stick...Its just a reel really... Good reel to hold line and a decent drag... Easy to maintain.
  24. In most areas, Carp/Gar are considered a nusiance. They are the biggest predator of gamefish eggs. Gar eat whole fish. I know guys that shoot them, I am going to get a set-up for my bow when I am able to start pulling it back again. Some people give them to folks that actually eat them. Some are real big believers in the nutrients that the carcasses provide. If no one takes them out of the food chain, even if they dont eat them, they will take over. I have seen several smaller lakes ruined by common carp and gar. Just because you dont eat them doesnt mean they dont need to be controled, and doesnt mean the fish are not going to be used for something. This crowd sure is quick to bash things they dont know all the details on.........
  25. Those colors are fine. If I fish clear water I use tequila sunrise, black shad, green pumpkin. Stained,I like junebug/red, red shad, black shad. I use the Zoom ol monsters and Culprit 10.5" alot. Caught alot of 5-8 lbers on them. I usually fish the texas rigged with as little wt as possible when flipping. I will use a 3/8 or 1/2 on offshore structure. You can also mess around with the way you insert the hook and fish them weightless. Look like small snake and big bass hate it. Trig with a light weight and sling them as far under deep water docks as you can and hang on. Good on a C-rig too.
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