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flyphisher #

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Everything posted by flyphisher #

  1. Nice work... good engineering.... how much weight did it add?
  2. Money Talks.... Those with the most money must benefit the most from everyones elses money and work, its the american way now. If they dont restrict access they will make it where you cant afford to fish or use the lake. Then they will whine when someone has to make up the money that the fishermen they ran off were pumping into the economy. Here the lakes are ownerd by the power co. or u.s corp of engineers, state managed. most Land owners on my home lake only live there one or 2 months out of the yr.but still complain and complain so DNR has to do something, cant tell them they shouldnt have bought a lake lot. so we fishermen pay the price. There is a group that wants tournaments banned, even sheriff and local politicians are using the lake issues for votes whether they have any power over things or not. Get used to it, Its happening everywhere.
  3. What is the price of the trilene flourocarbon going to be? The newest formulation of Vanish is a steal at $10.99 for 200 yards. I apply KVD spray to it as i spool it up and have never had any problems with backlashes,knots,breakag, memory etc..I use 17lb the most... really good stuff IMHO.Been using it for football jigs and other deepwater techniques and my hookups tripled. Have to use pliers to remove the hook most of the time.
  4. I ordered some XPS 4.5" swimbaits back in april. for $5 each they look great. are made well. and very durable. They just dont run real well and rolls bad as others have complained. Well i fixed it. I used some lead wire that i use for tying weight flies. I wrapped it around the bottom of the hook enough to add weight but not enough to be bulky or impede the action of the hook. This fix works great. The bait looks awesome coming through the water and will work at several different retrieve speeds. For a deeper presentation use flourocarbon line, waking it and more shallow mono works well.
  5. bought some today. Who else is using them? when are they working best? what colors you like? how and where are you fishing them? What trailers you like? Look they will be good around docks and ambush points to me.... Like a big,fat bluegill waddling along the bottom. Will add more after i fish them more.
  6. FBL..As George Cochran says "Its all about subtle differences." 8-).Everybody that uses red hooks puts them on the belly, so i put some on the tail of some norman fatboys. Had several days it made the difference for some reason. The added flash/perceived action the red added really makes the fish mad when they are on that kind of bite. With bigger cranks i agree, the fish needs to hit the middle of the bait....a more compact bait, i think the fish gets the whole thing unless they are short-striking for some reason.
  7. I throw a buzzbait and a popper at daylight and dark and a squarebill crank, 1/8oz shakey head on 6lb test....that is only shallow thing i have going. Around 8am or earlier if topwater is dead. I move out to offshore structure. Putting a cheap fishfinder on my gheenoe has made all the difference in the world on small water.I like summertime fishing, really get to use my electronics on big water..... Rock piles, humps, stumps,docks in at least 10ft of water w/ deeper water very close. this has been working for me everywhere right now from 10 acres to 20,000 acres . get a bite or 2 an hour from 8am to 2pm, if there is no wind or current. 4-6ft is shallow right now for the fish i am catching. 9 out of 10 are bigger than what i have caught in the past. If i am not on a dock pattern, this is what i have tied on: -Deep little N , DT10, Bandit flatmaxx DR.... -football jigs at least 1/2oz and go bigger for deeper water ..... -T-rigged 7.5" and 10" worms..... -1/4oz shakey head w/ trick worm...... Some days i will fish a dropshot on 10lb flourocarbon 12-15inch leader...cast it out and drag it in slowly....no shaking...periodically drop the rod tip so the bait goes weightless..especially when you feel a rock, stump or something...Other than daylight or dusk, I fish slow then i slowdown more.
  8. I replace almost all my hardbait hooks with Gamagatksu before they ever go in the tackle box. been doing that for years. On deep divers, i like a hook on the belly. one size smaller than suggested, on back one that is one size bigger. It works well, believe it or not. On my shallow cranks i put a red hook on the tail and my strikes/hookup increased compared to same bait with regular hooks. VMC Sure-set hooks = sure snag , for me anyway.
  9. How bout the hair??? Read that Horton and Kelly Jordan are growing their hair out all season and will be sporting crewcuts this fall after donating it to locks of love, think it is....hair is used for wigs for cancer patients.
  10. hybrid and striped bass Spotted bass - smallmouth - Bluegill
  11. swim a jig right over threre heads or through them, pop it threw them etc. suspending crankbaits.
  12. Espn was quick.....They had a camera on him all afternoon until weigh-in that you could watch on bassmaster.com sunday.
  13. I do everything i can to keep a fish from jumping if i am planning on boating it. Jumps will cost you money.Even my heavy rods i have somewhat soft tip. I have never had a bass jump on flytackle. The only reason R.W's bite/hookset/catch % is so high is the fact that he doesnt fish for money ;D . When there is money on the line it all changes, murphy's law takes effect sometimes. No matter what you do, some days they will get off, especially when fishing tournaments. If i really kept up with it, I am probably around 90%. I am also pretty calm and collected tournament fishing, yet i have had fish come off for no explainable reason that me or my partner could figure out.
  14. Depends on where you are fishing. I have caught LMB that were suspended at 4-6ft deep over 20-30ft of open water on a buzzbait. Not something i have found consistent, it just happens sometimes. Only thing i can figure out is the best area forms a trough and when conditions are right, bass basically trap large schools of shad in there and go on a feeding rampage. When it gets just right, they will be suspended inactive on your graph, run a buzz or sammy over their heads and at least one is going to whack it. It gets real good when you are throwing a topwater and your partner is throwing a deep diving crankbait and you are both catching good fish in the same spot. It dont get no better. 8-)
  15. Best King of the Hill episode i have seen, Hank ends up fishing with crack somehow. Baits his hook, tosses it in, and the fish load the boat. Can prollie find it on Youtube.
  16. This sounds like Milton in the movie "Office Space." Are you sure you are actually employed there, some classless, a-hole people will let you go and not tell you, let you figure it out on your own so you cant get unemployment..... If not it Sounds to me like you are WHINING AS USUAL , this time about your EMPLOYERS POLICY, you are not being picked on. It sucks to have to wait 2 weeks most places for your check anyway, but if you go to work somewhere that HOLDS YOUR FIRST CHECK, YOU HAVE TO WORK A MONTH BEFORE YOU GET PAID. It sucks but alot of companies do that now. If you were given a company handbook or something similar, everything you need to know is probably in there, before you start reporting people etc.... Considering circumstances even if its the way they do payroll, i dont see being at this job very long. Sounds like alot has been said to boss and coworkers, you are the new guy for one, and now not very well liked there now... Its only gonna get worse.
  17. I like the older stuff better. Team Allstars I got are a couple years old. I love them. New stuff is nice, I just dont like it as much. The new $50+ Allstar rods feel like junk to me, may just be me though. As far as a nice entry level rod, I really like the older Pflueger trion casting rods, super nice rod for a real suprising price.
  18. at least until sunday morning. ;D Bet it feels good to go into the finals of a BASS Elite series tournament with a 10lb lead. Steve kennedy is in 2nd. No yankees in the final Even skeet reese and fred roumbanis made the cut.
  19. Strike King is coming out with coffee scented tubes, debuted at Icast. story is one of their R&D guys was fishing, dropped his crackers in the water, bream went crazy feeding. Finished his coffee dumped it in, and fish left the crackers and went nuts over the coffee. Then when he got home, he waited on the fish feeder in his pond to go off. Fish were feeding like always, he threw a bunch of coffee grounds near by...fish left feed and went crazy for coffee grounds.....Discuss.....good experiment for some of the youngsters i think...
  20. Used to hunt deer(rifle and bow), ducks, doves, turkeys,quail.......Fish year round now, love to duck hunt when its too cold to fish. Alot of variety to hunt here , plus i am lucky and have a 12 acre pond surrounded by oak trees, i drain and plant it..Doesnt hurt that it on the highest elevation for 30 miles either, last 5 seasons, i have managed to kill/watch canvasbacks,redheads, gadwalls, and widgeon plus the big numbers of the usual ducks. Really rare for where i live. Looking for the used gear to rig my bow for shooting gar and carp....
  21. I was just thinking about this. As far as the fish you are catching over 5lbs and your 8lb+ PB, what do you think/know they were doing when you caught them. Was the fish suspended, shallow(5ft or less), or on the bottom? Holding tight to structure/cover, in it or what? just curious. My 10+ was in 12ft holding in some vegatation. Most others have been on bottom around structure/ hard cover or in a blowdown.
  22. I really like watching him and want to see him do well. Unless he is the new Tiger Woods of bassfishing, he may be in trouble. Duckett is also said to be an unbelievable golfer, So he was signed on to help a golf equipment company break into bass and bass tournament fishing. He is going to help design rods, etc.... As some of you know, I dont knwo if he still is, Tiger Woods won for several years using far inferior clubs due to being under contract with Nike. They were behind in the game when it came to clubs and it cost tiger although we didnt know it. Several Pro's have gotten involved with upstart rod companies and it really cost them and set them back, happened to Marty Stone. I hope there is more to it than another site reported, if not we may not hear from him for a few years.
  23. ABAC Golden stallions - longest non-losing streak in college non-football history - STILL UNDEFEATED University of GA alumni ..after 5 years living in athens i agree with the t-shirts...... "drinking town with a football problem" 5 years of schoolin A-town and 10 years having season tickets I have taken a little break from games/hanging out in A-town. Liver/brain needs to recoop.
  24. I would still return it. I had one given to me as a gift. spooled up went out in the yard to play with it. Look good, feel good....but they sound terrible, loose....
  25. What do you use? When, how,where, and what rod/reel do you fish them on? Just had some 5/16oz booyah pro boo bugs come in. wondering which trailer is best with them.
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