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flyphisher #

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Everything posted by flyphisher #

  1. I dont think it is too common...They actually work well and dont have long weedguards.... Have only seen them made by one company. Only thing I can think of is for bigger trailers or for a different trailer angle. Hooksets are pretty good, easier sometimes... I like them just cant find them much, wondering if the jig experts knew any negatives about them.
  2. Widespread Panic, Moe.,Phish, Drive by truckers.....to name a few
  3. small dry flies.... like #14 and smaller. Elk hair caddis, parachute adams, Blue wing olive....anything looks like a mayfly.
  4. 10.3 on black zoom trick worm...weightless 9.5 on #6 Olive woolly booger 5wt flyrod. too many 5-9's to list.
  5. For those that doubts a 20lb plus+ bass ever swam in Ga waters.. http://gon.com/article.php?id=1173&cid=158 Click on Adobe file for list. Obviously Randall has caught 15's that are not on the list. I know of several others that released their 14+ bass after weighing them. Other than the Perry bass, There are 49 bass on the list between 18 and 14 lbs. Majority were caught in public water. The 2nd place fish was caught at Charlie Elliot when it was still private. Alot of fish are from big public reserviors.
  6. Are there times when a jig(flipping/pitching) with a EWG hook will be better than a jig w/ typical hook? Or is it personal preference? Discuss......
  7. I kinda agree with you Supermatt, there is alot of bovine excrament and alot of regurgitation on here but.....Stuff I listed has worked for me and people I fish with. caught alot of 7-9lbers and a few 10's. So I assume with my GA knowledge that as has been posted is in noway comparable to cali or texas.... So i think the 10+'s here will prollie eat it to. I didnt even list what I have caught my DD on because I feel like i got lucky w/ a small lure......I know we dont have the fish here GA that they do in cali.....The california eliteism here gets kinda old.
  8. Keep in mind,Ike's boat dancing, tantrums,seizures of joy, annoy me alot....but he is one of the best teachers, anglers out there and probably one of the easiest pro's with his success some of us can relate with.... but Think about this....... If you were paying Ike(for example) for sponsorship and paying his entry/travel fees, etc....would you want him getting DQed for throwing tantrums during the biggest tournament of the year....although drawing attention, its bad attention really and has been pointed out by mainstream media and ridiculed...makes the rest of tourney guys look bad to those that dont know any better.Its Immature and unproffessional.do you do that in your office??????? 2nd, does he ever do good in an even that he comes unglued in.....NO.....Should be a lesson to some ....Neither do the rest of us.... never even in your dreams.....A fish getting off can ruin your day if you let it, sometimes even if you dont let it get to you......These tantrums you guys are talking about might make you feel better for a second.(plus you guys are making it sound like normal behavior to the young members of the forum)...you get back to fishing after a blowup and you are out of the zone that got you bit to begin with, plus you are messing up your partners mindset..everyone loses.... Its disrespectful to yourself, your partners, and the people around you to draw that kind of attention to yourself. Spooking the fish you are trying to catch.... and making bassfishermen as a whole look bad.It immature, and unnessary....Doesnt help us as a minority any, with so many enemies(peta,non-anglers) looking for any ammo they can get againest hunting/fishing..... Look at any other sport and there are so many examples of athletes letting their temper/emotions get the best of them.....It doesnt work and if it doesnt ruin their career, it hinders it. Opponents will use it to their advantage every chance they get.... If you really got to act like a spoiled chimp that lost his fav. toy, save your money and pride and do it in your backyard when your children are not watching..... ;D
  9. I have heard stories of certain cheaters passing polygraphs and being caught later......The guys that were fomer flw star Tony Christian's partners when he was DQed for cheating swear to this day they didnt notice any wrong doing.... Both passed a polygraph, One guy noone pays any attention to, the other people say he is dirty as can be.....
  10. 1) Zoom Ol monster worm- Junebug/red 2) 1/2oz buzzbait (bluegill skirt) 3) 3/8 to 1/2oz jig,GA craw w/ green pumpkin zoom trailer 4)Ol nelle 1/2 SB, white/blue skirt, #5 colorado blade. 5) Sammy 115
  11. Paintball gun would work as long as the other guy isnt armed with something bigger or doesnt go to his truck and come back..... Prollie still get sued this day in age and lose. More than likely he'll get a warning and you will go to jail when the cops show up. Here the court rule in favor of and LE is going to go after who ever is least likely to have the resources to fight back in court and rip them a new one. Unless you know the right people or you are one of the right people, you dont get away with trespassing, dont care what the actual "law" is. Food for thought....
  12. In GA, it doesnt matter if its posted, fenced or anything. If the SD/dnr come out there for a complaint, something is going to happen. There have been non-fishing canoeist forced to carry canoe several miles at gunpoint until they were where a SD could come and arrest them.... If they dont think you have money to fight it, you get written up. Might not be like that everywhere....but that how is works most places here... I feel pretty strongly about this, The adjoining landowners teenage son and his friends snuck onto my property shot my ducks on my pond and left them...and hauled arse....My dad caught up with them, and gave them a talking too...They said they thought it was their land too..... Crossed 2 fences and ran like hell after they shot....I didnt have ducks again for 3 weeks...After draining,planting, reflooding.....
  13. I'd rather be sued for "dealing with a trespasser" than I would to be sued and lose everything because that trespasser has fallen in or drowned.....It has happened...My former landlord was sued for a trespasser falling in his private lake during winter and getting sick and had to pay.....Judge ruled that a 27 acre lake was no different than a unfenced swimming pool basically.public danger/nuiscence...
  14. Spider grubs and flukes also work good for CB trailers accordinf to the guys I fish with that fish them.
  15. DO that around here, you get shot or you go to jail...If you live through the shot part, you will get to do both ;D..... NOT SMART >.... I dont do it, so i dont like people that do. and to brag about it on the internet... :
  16. ALL PRO is correct, made in Tennessee. If those 50% off rods are the same ones I have fished, That is a great deal. The guy must be making way too many rods. I like some of them better than my All stars....These rods are way better than the all star classics. You should check them out if you still can get some of them. Great rods. Tournament partner uses them and sells them in his shop. Plus if you break one, he will give you a new one. cant beat that.
  17. Really need a 6'6-7' MH spinning rod for what you want.Not only will you get better hooksets, it will be more versatile also.......I Second the IMX,nice rod. Not a big fenwick fan, not impressed with what you get for the price.Spinning reelwise, at least get a shimano Sahara or similar 2000 size. You will be alot better off with a Shimano citica or Revo instead of browning. I destroyed several browning spinning reels when I was your age. Didnt fish alot but enough that they didnt last long even w/ service. The BC are a little better, but not worth the money compared to the reels i listed above. Also it will take alot longer for service than it will to send a good reel to Reelmech....dont think he works on browning...Also as far a a T-rig,C-rig, jig rod, I use 6'10-7'0 heavy action rods. I dont feel like i get enough of a hookset with a MH. I only use with Spinnerbaits and buzzbaits, most frogs, other big heavy topwaters.... sammies, pop-rs, gunfish,most shallow cranks, I throw on a med. rod w/ a 7:1 reel
  18. I dont finesse fish unless I have too, so i just use what works that i already had. Shakey head-6'6 Shakespeare Alpha MH spinning rod- Shimano sedona 2000 reel. Drop-shot- BPS extreme med. 6'6 woo daves spinnerbait rod, Pflueger solara reel. 10lb P-line flourocarbon on both. 6'6 Shimano med-light spinnning rod w/ rapala spinning reel. 10lb power-pro. These rods reels can be used for alot of other stuff too....if i need to use it.
  19. Really good rods. I know a guy that has 10 GLX's in the rod locker and has All Pro strapped to the deck. He has won alot of money. One of my tournament partners uses them and sells them in his shop. I have fished them and I was really impressed w/ the rods. They have some really good trade show/tournament sales sometimes too. I dont like their spinning rods though.
  20. Saw a threads on other boards,one is saltwater. Two well-respected young men that have been really successful as a team and fishing solo in bigger events, won a small tourney in the last month. They had passed probably a 100 in the past. Well, They were not DQed or anything. They just didnt get their check. Both had "odd" responses on the polygraph. They dont care about the money, they are doing everything the can do to clear their names from people's mind as cheaters..Went as far as GBI tests recently.They are only worried about their reputation as i would be.Keep in mind that these guys have the support of their competitors,no one is calling for their heads or anything everyone involved is as shocked as they are.....The other thread I was reading, people mentioned false positives, the condition of the equipment,the questions, the tester, the tester opinion on results, etc.... One guy had even failed one for a job and gotten hired anyway...Anyone have any experience with these? I think they are more of a deterent or cause for confession more than being accurate. Notice the lengths that have had to be taken to catch these publisized cheaters in the last year or so...
  21. Cant go wrong with a Daiwa Light and Tough......Those things are cheap at $120, they stack up to higher price rods IMHO.
  22. Written transcripts of show please??????????? ;D j/k Dial-up out here in the boonies deprives me of the luxuries of a high speed connection :'(
  23. I want to send a big thank you to the weekend fishermen that break off $5 spinnerbaits mostly, some buzzbaits, pop-rs, and crankbaits in the backs of creeks that I fish and on the riprap and other community holes on the big lakes around here. ;D It has saved me a little money the last couple years and makes sunday,monday morning fishing a little more fun....Kinda like a treasure hunt every time i get hung up and go to retireve my lure theres an almost new 1/2oz booyah spinnerbait stuck in a stump..... So this BUD's for tackle-losing weekend anglers, May the keen-eyed's tackleboxs never be empty. Baitmonkey still hasnt decided his stance on this practice....
  24. Horny toads, i have best luck with black/blue legs,green pumkin, and green pumkin/craw swirl.... Have seen days that fish will hit black/red spro frog before they will a natural green....under docks... :-? I think the retrieve is more important....plus the color of its belly. Cause that is what the fish see. So match frog color to water clarity, forage, etc...., but go one shade brighter or darker thinking about light conditions. After saying all this, I only see frogs at night, so whatever it is the fish think is running across the slop, he prollie doesnt think its a frog... bird,lizard,baitfish,big bug,.....just something to ponder.
  25. Use a heavier rod and line and cross there eyes good.......or go to heavier line and a rod with a little softer tip and dont let them jump. I have fished both jigheads alot. The spotremovers without the spring seem to work better to me. Some days the fish just wont bite a SR in a way to really get them hooked, noticed that quick when it was all that was working.
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