Keep in mind,Ike's boat dancing, tantrums,seizures of joy, annoy me alot....but he is one of the best teachers, anglers out there and probably one of the easiest pro's with his success some of us can relate with....
but Think about this.......
If you were paying Ike(for example) for sponsorship and paying his entry/travel fees, etc....would you want him getting DQed for throwing tantrums during the biggest tournament of the year....although drawing attention, its bad attention really and has been pointed out by mainstream media and ridiculed...makes the rest of tourney guys look bad to those that dont know any better.Its Immature and you do that in your office???????
2nd, does he ever do good in an even that he comes unglued in.....NO.....Should be a lesson to some ....Neither do the rest of us.... never even in your dreams.....A fish getting off can ruin your day if you let it, sometimes even if you dont let it get to you......These tantrums you guys are talking about might make you feel better for a second.(plus you guys are making it sound like normal behavior to the young members of the forum) get back to fishing after a blowup and you are out of the zone that got you bit to begin with, plus you are messing up your partners mindset..everyone loses.... Its disrespectful to yourself, your partners, and the people around you to draw that kind of attention to yourself. Spooking the fish you are trying to catch.... and making bassfishermen as a whole look bad.It immature, and unnessary....Doesnt help us as a minority any, with so many enemies(peta,non-anglers) looking for any ammo they can get againest hunting/fishing.....
Look at any other sport and there are so many examples of athletes letting their temper/emotions get the best of them.....It doesnt work and if it doesnt ruin their career, it hinders it. Opponents will use it to their advantage every chance they get....
If you really got to act like a spoiled chimp that lost his fav. toy, save your money and pride and do it in your backyard when your children are not watching..... ;D