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flyphisher #

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Everything posted by flyphisher #

  1. i am here to until April.... been wondering the same thing.
  2. Working/Living in Madison,Ms. until mid-april. Got a few ponds to fish but otherwise cluesless on fishing here or what my options are when i am not chasing redfish.
  3. yep... havent fished gear in almost a yr... always flyfished more, other than 2 out of last 10. I am lucky and adapt to different fish/conditions prety quick.
  4. all sight fishing in 2-3 ft of water... too much fun... a few more..
  5. Living in Ridgland,Ms. this winter.... hunting ducks and chasing the red feesh... 2 hours from the big marsh.... went down an hour below new orleans last week... her are a couple highlights... 12 lb red on 6wt...... first sheepshead...spooky critters..
  6. Yeah that 7wt is a little much for that part of world and a stream... A 7'6 to 8'6 ft 3 or 4 wt is probably what you want... and put a good RIO/SA line on it... and over line it by one rod wt. and get a TFO finesse or Pro series rod... even a sig. series might work well if the cork is better than yrs past. I am using Sage Z-axis 6wt sometimes.... and a Scott S4 5wt... but 90% of the time its my 9ft Scott 6wt X2s. Can throw big streamers and also drys... but use a 8wt alot also... Have to have a pretty stout rod in this wind and on this big of a river. Seeing i can get rods at guide price now, I am slowly adding to my arsenal... a ticrx 7'6, 6 and 8wt... or the 2 lighter sage bass rods.. and a shorter 5 wt for smaller water. Its just the size of the fish and all i see alot of 4 broken and big fish lost. fishing from a drift boat is too much fun... have multiple rods rigged.... reel wise you dont need too much, i am partial to LA's on all my stuff... other than the one MA i own. About to get some Nautilus' reels... pretty stoked.
  7. Forgot all about you growing up here... I been meaning to holler at you... been busy as hell up until last week or so... Been on water 110+ of last 120 days. The South fork and the Madison are unreal..... never thought i would catch trout like this. had 7 over 20" last week in 4 days. Robbie blew up his OB again right before left and also remarried... Might need to call him to fish with you... work on them this spring.. How's oconee been fishing? Where is that pic in your avatard from?
  8. straight to DVD... it was on the annual fly fishing film tour... So it should already be on DVD... probably end up on Youtube if it isnt already.
  9. its all a matter of time on the water... after spending most of all of the last 120 days on the water for at least a few hours with a fly rod in hand and some days 10-12 hours.... i probably would feel awkward with spin tackle now... Its all about practice and technique... figuring out what works for you and having tackle for situation. I have actually caught far more fish on flies even times when reg tackle would not draw a strike... Alot more subtle presentation and alot longer time in the strike zone. I know one guy that has some topwater flies and streamers that will walk the dog.... I had dinner with a industry/fly tying legend last week.. his focus is streamers and used to guide/fish on the great lakes(smallies/muskies) before coming to montana. He started diving the madison where his shop is after he had been fishing there for yrs. He was shocked at just how many more fish were there in even lower water and by watching them He realized just how much we dont know about fish behavior in general. You know trout aint supposed to bite 5 inch streamers...
  10. god this is funny....and small fish. pretty obvious he is full of sh&t. another reason i am glad to be out of the south...but you have these types every where... yall should go after GON for publishing false info...at least embarrass them for not checking it out better. after all the stuff they publish especialy on places that cant handle more pressure(not lakes)... and puttin off catchin pellet pigs like they are wild... my dad still subscribes for hunting reading and sends them to me as a joke out here...after guiding/trapping for Steve Burch and co... I really have no use for any of them for most part...
  11. here is a trailer... http://drakemag.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=168&Itemid=201 There has been a big surge in fly fishing film making right now that is really churning out some really good stuff. One of these films i look forward to seeing in full is Bass by Jamie Howard. He follows accomplished fly angler/guide/fish junkie/famous photog John Sherman and a local pro around The Cal delta and another lake. He actually outfished the conventional guy is what i have been told by one of the guys that helped film it. With the two fly only bass tournaments picking up speed and Sage,Scott, and TFO making fly rods that are legal for tournaments and that can actually fit into ones arsenal and boat for that matter. These shorter sticks in the right hands can put flies in places one could only dream of putting them with a flipping stick with barely a ripple. I plan to take up a couple of forum guys on their offer to take me smallie fishing out here.... and use only my fly rods.... only thing is if they are like the boys back home, If i outfish them with the flyswatters i dont get asked back or told to leave the flyrods in the truck... ;D here are some more shorts..... one about steelhead eating green drakes, fascinates me..... http://drakemag.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=160&Itemid=173&phpMyAdmin=e696Jto0rPxQfBFQGcJTAM1MDQ1
  12. i think water is too cold up here for one..... be nice to have them, but we have some of most predatory trout anywhere on this river.. below a couple of sets of falls there are lots of smallies and steelhead, We have a lake 30 min away that is stocked with smallmouth, but it gets pretty windy.... I have to go 2 hours to fish for steel... about to make trip soon, i hook one and i could be ruined for life...
  13. glad yall dig it... will keep adding a few sometimes... had an awesome 4 days last week... 7 fish over 20"'s all browns other than two cuttbows.... never imagined i would catch fish like that....but still nothing compared to a few i hooked and could not do anything with..
  14. Alot of times trout will feed/act like bass here... its unreal... to see a 20inch+ cutt go after a 5 inch streamer.... I am talking coming out of holes in the banks or out of 10-15ft of water. Have lake smallies 3o min away, and 2 hours away in rivers... havent had time... Going after ocean-run steelhead on the fly this weekend for 3 or 4 days, north of here..really looking forward to it....got to do something while the gf is on here annual false albie trip in NC. ;D also hooked a trout one night, that i could not turn with an 8wt... and i know how to use an 8.... had two others break off 15lb mono and flouro... throw alot of sink tip lines.... and we have 4 months of fishing big hoppers on 3x(8lb) and streamers on straight 4ft long 0-2x(15-10lb)flourocarbon.. We dont mess around.....
  15. I moved to Idaho the first of August for a job in fly industry and am living on the south fork of snake river.... so not much bass fishing but these will do.... the flies- my backyard, literally live 100 ft from the river.... had trade in bass boat for a drift boat...
  16. wave killers
  17. Cuba could also be home to the next record.
  18. Anyone else a fan of his books. I read "No Country for Old Men" 2x after i got it for Xmas within 3 days. Then read "Blood Meridian", one of best books ever written,imo. A pretty realistic and factual account of what went on during 1850's around Texas Border. Have been reading "Sutree" recently, its a challenging read but i can relate with the main character and really dig the plot/story.
  19. thats funny.. how old are you, 12??? RHCP are not even "rock" anymore... more like Pop or mainstream crap.... amazes me what some people consider music this day in time.
  20. widespread panic Phish Black Sabbath Pantera Grateful Dead Tool Ryan Bingham and the living dead horses Drive by Truckers
  21. 8-10 yrs ago, I drank that alot..... Jack is good as long as you mixing and aint got to taste it. try some knob, makers, gent. jack, woodford, with a splash of water or try something that is good on the rocks(ice made with distilled water, though) and a good cigar......lakeside makes it that much better....
  22. i have fished alot of baits..... but it seems i have caught more fish on Norman deep little N's and fatboys..... really like the mann's c4's though.
  23. I seem to have developed a taste for good, taxed liqueor.... Really like Maker's Mark for a regular old evening drink.... With a little splash of well water to open it up. Special occasions got to say Knob creek or Woodford reserve.... Any other whiskey drinkers on the forum?
  24. ;D this has to be one of funniest threads i have read here....... last time i looked Largemouth bass are not endangered nor is it illegal to keep and eat them within state law. these are bass...not native brook trout. just sayin.....
  25. I am thinking the DNR of NY/state sentate being pressured by enviro group.... thats why i was asking here... I cant remember exactly who they is...
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