My old room mate tried to teach me a few years ago the proper way to work a jig. Cast it out, wait for it to hit the bottom, then kinda bounce it along the bottom, bump bump bump.
Well for some reason, I never could get a fish to hit it with the consistency that he could, so I gave up on them for a long time. Then last year, I started using rooster tails, the little buck hair numbers with the spinning blade and treble hook at the end. I caught A LOT of fish on those things. All different types of species.
So this year, I decided to buy a pack of crappie jigs that looked like they would have an action similar to my rooster tails. Little red-headed jigs with a spinner blade attached by a swivel. I mean, why not? A pack of 6 cost the same amount as one single rooster tail and they looked to me like they did the exact same thing.
Finally got out and started using them the other day. I would cast out and retrieve pretty fast, so as to get that blade really spinning in the water. I don't think the bass got the memo that these things were meant for crappies.
It wasn't every other cast or anything like that, but it was a good day on the lake, I'll tell you that much.
Anyway, I ended up losing all six of them over about a 4 day period (yeah, I still get hung up on stuff), so I opted to switch to some regular jigs that I had in my tackle box. I slapped a bright neon green grub on the head and just kept working them the way I had with the crappie jigs and rooster tails.
Sure enough, I been catching a ton of bass with this retrieve. Anyone else tried this?