I think I can offer some good information on this subject. This will at least pertain to my area in southern IL. My father started fishing tournaments in the seventies, and continued on through the early nineties when I began. My dad is astounded by the number of limits, and the size of the limits we bring in today. One thing I will add is that you used to see more huge fish back then. By huge I mean 7-8 lbs which is big in our area. We still have a lot of 5-6 lb fish take BB honors, but not usually a mortal hawg. My honest opinion is that even though there are more anglers today, we take care of our catches a lot better, and the size and creel limits are such that they give each body of water an excellent chance to improve year after year. One last thing, I'm sure I'm not the only one to do this but I haven't kept a bass in tournament waters in 13 years.