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  1. Check out Canyon Bass Club of San Marcos on line. IM sent to you. Smib
  2. Our secret is definitely out but it is a huge body of water and hopefully it will be able to stand up to the pressure it's getting. SMib
  3. Smib


    Matt Fly, It's not what he's saying --it's what he is doing (financing terrorists). Why can't you understand this? Smib
  4. Is this a lie? Towards the end of a club tournament I passed by a couple of my club members. They asked how many I had. I responded one. At the weigh-in I walked up with my 5 fish limit. They did a double take and told me, "Hey, I thought you only had one!" I responded that I did in fact only have one--ONE 5 fish limit, which is the truth. I only caught 5 keepers all day. If this is lying--guilty as charged. Smib
  5. check out gheenoe.com. They make a squareback canoe the is supposed to be a good product. Smib
  6. What kind of baits have you been throwing?
  7. I ran her again at Choke Canyon Saturday and she ran great. I changed the bulb and filter the same afternoon so I don't know which one was the fix. I'm just glad it's a done deal. Thanks again, Smib
  8. :-? On Chevys and GMC's can't you push the parking brake down one or two "clicks" and that will turn the headlights out with the light switch off? I'm a Ford guy but I was told that some time ago. Smib
  9. Take a good long look at Basscat. They are #1 in customer satisfaction. They don't poor a bunch of money in advertising which means your money is going into the boat and some advertising firm. Next time you pick up a Bassmaster magazine take a look. You'll see a one page ad in there for Basscat and that's it and it has been that way for years. No, I don't work for them or have an interest in the company but I am a Basscat owner (97 Pantera II) and I love it. I've been fishing for a long time and have fished in many brands and to me they are as good as they come. Don't let all the advertising dollars spent by Triton, Ranger and Skeeter get your mind all twisted. They are all three great boats and Basscat is equal to them all. Good luck. Smib
  10. Don't be afraid to go large. I regularly throw 10.5 in worms on 2.5 foot leaders. You might be surprised at the number of 11-13 in bass that you catch on the large worms along with big bass. Smib
  11. :)Thanks to all that offered advice. I changed the fuel filter and primer bulb and she gets up on plane like a champ now. Thanks again, Smib
  12. Thanks ibhawgman, cart7 and ben, I'm going to do the filter and primer bulb tonight--I changed the plugs already. If that doesn't fix it then I'll get the compression check done and have the coils and powerpack looked at. I checked the prop last night and it is a 25 pitch Tempest with no vent plugs in it. I've had the boat up to 5400 rpm doing 70 and I backed off of it. My Astro fish and ski with it's 135 Merc was a just a little bit slower than this one.....haha I've only had the boat for a month or so and have had it on the water 3 times--problem got worse each time, especiall this last time. Thanks again for all the replys, Smib
  13. It's a Basscat Pantera II with a manual jackplate. I'm hoping it is the vent plugs in the prop. I honestly had not known alot about them until getting some info on line. I'm going to take a good look at the prop tonight. Any ideas you have will be definitely appreciated. I really do appreciate all that have offered info to me. Smib
  14. Ben, Thanks for the email. I was just using 5,000 as a reference, she'll do more. It has a 25 pitch- three bladed stainless prop. Thanks again, Smib
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