The last few times I've been out, and a couple of those with a fellow member on here, I've found that constantly changing baits will put more fish on the line. Two weeks ago, suspending cranks got fish. A week later, floating cranks like the bandit 100 worked. Last week, we caught fish on a variety of each hole.
I started with cranks, nothing. Partner started with shaky worm/jig and caught 2 then no more. I went to the wacky worm and got 2 then nothing. He then went to a shallow crank and got one. I then went to a twister and got one. He then switched to a white road runner jig and got 2 and lost a monster cat or carp. We then moved down to the next hole and went through 3-4 baits a piece and picked them off one by one.
I guess what I'm noticing is if I don't change baits from hole to hole and change within a hole, I'm short changing myself in my catch rates. I think of how many times I've fished a hole with one bait and If I didn't get anything I just chalked it up to "there not biting". Even changing the color of the same bait will produce.
So, my rule of thumb is, catch fish, when it slows down, immediately change color or bait and I will catch more, even in the same hole.
Yes, this can drive me crazy, trying to figure out what to use, but, knowing if I change baits/color, I WILL catch more fish, but it's worth it. I hope this helps out some of you on here 'cuz the information I've gotten from YOU has helped me alot. I wish all of you the best in fishing this summer.
Anyone else change baits like this?
Fish on, John.