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    MISSOURI river

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  1. If you fish a lot and are frequently trying to locate new spots, side imaging is a very useful tool. I think they are a great learning tool. Now if you are fishing the same small pond or narrow river, they may not have as much value to you.
  2. Congratulations!!!! Now go make some great memories this year.
  3. could it be that a friend of yours did it as a joke? Maybe he has just been waiting for you to notice.
  4. looks like it's ready for the water. congrats
  5. Sounds like a great day. Thanks for sharing.
  6. If I could afford it, and my family was good with it.....I would go. Good luck.
  7. I was watching the PAA last weekend on tv, Lake Conroe I think, and it looked Paul Elias did just that to bag a 4 day total of 103 lbs. I think he won the tourney by about 20 lbs.
  8. I think it is a bargain for the $10 I paid for it last year. The same info you get on the Chip that is about $100 but, you only pay $10. The only downfall is how good your wi fi or phone connection is to your wireless device. If you don't have good phone service where you are using it, it will be slow. I have an iphone 3g. The lake where I use it, does not have good wireless data signal so, it works but is fairly slow. It did save my arse in the fog one day though. That was worth 10 bucks right there. I think it is a hell of a bargain. I will also use it to check my gps speed when going donw the highway, just to see how accurate my spedometer is. I will also use it in my office, to check out maps of lakes that I may be going to the coming weekend. I'm sure I probably don't use 5% of its capabilities but, again, for $10 bucks I thought it was a steel. Good luck
  9. I have never owned a pixy so I cannot comment on that reel. I do own a sol and alpha type f. As I understand it the alpha is the Japaneese version of the sol. They are basically very similar in specs but the alpha requires parts ordered from japan, where you can get parts in the US for the sol. If you ever need parts for your japaneese reel you will pay a little more and wait consideralbly longer for parts. The sol gets my vote for that reason. I believe performance wise they will be very similar and the sol is a little less money as well.
  10. I'm not saying anything bad about JJ's, cuz I love the stuff and almost dip all my soft plastics into it. I have been using it for 3-4 years. I do recall one day fishing when I watched several fish pick it up and spit it and never pick it up again. I can't say for sure that it was the JJ's that particular day but, I did switch baits and ended up catching some fish later but, not until I switched to baits not dipped with the sauce. Could have been the sauce. Try it without and see. Maybe the fish are of the vampire variety
  11. Thanks for the advice. It is greatly appreciated. I have located left handed benelli SBEI but, it is 12 ga. A little more than I was hoping to spend but, those are great guns and I will probably never find another one in left handed.
  12. Nice!! That last one is huge
  13. Nice looking fish!! I reckon she pulled a little
  14. nice pigs!!! Congratulations.
  15. Got my order of baits in. Was impressed with the looks of bait and the plastic itself. They are very stretch and durable. Had a chance the fish the crawdad the other day on a texas rigged set up. The crawdad has a hook slot so no need for "tex posing". Also like the way the bait sits in the water. Claws float up. Boated two fish with no visible damage to the bait. Will be interested to see how durable it is with multiple catches. So far I am impressed with it. Just wish I would have ordered some different colors.
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