I think it is a bargain for the $10 I paid for it last year. The same info you get on the Chip that is about $100 but, you only pay $10. The only downfall is how good your wi fi or phone connection is to your wireless device. If you don't have good phone service where you are using it, it will be slow. I have an iphone 3g. The lake where I use it, does not have good wireless data signal so, it works but is fairly slow. It did save my arse in the fog one day though. That was worth 10 bucks right there. I think it is a hell of a bargain. I will also use it to check my gps speed when going donw the highway, just to see how accurate my spedometer is. I will also use it in my office, to check out maps of lakes that I may be going to the coming weekend. I'm sure I probably don't use 5% of its capabilities but, again, for $10 bucks I thought it was a steel.
Good luck