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About bassking1976

  • Birthday 04/05/1976

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  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass

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  1. So went fishing this past weekend and pulled out the havoc sick fish to try and the fish went crazy bass were coming out and smashing it one about four pounds jumped outta the water to hit it. how many bass did i catch that day you ask? None!!!!! I missed six fish!!! Set the hook hard but didnt stick one stinkin fish upon further notice i saw that the hook wasnt going thru the hard body of the sick fish and the belly weight on the swimbait hook was causing issues too, i changed out the weighted hook for an unweighted monster hook but noticed the sick fish just wasnt swimming the same with out the belly weight thus no strikes. thought about slitting the belly but wasnt sure if this would affect its action. Just curious on how people are rigging these bad boys as i want to continue to keep using them but too frustrating to lose any more fish...Please Help!!!!
  2. hmmm no replies yet
  3. Saw the storm swimming stick at wally world looks kinda like a sebile magic swimmer and was wondering if it was comparable at a much lower cost?
  4. quantum guy here, just wondering if anyone knows if gander mtn reels gsx series was made by quantum because i heard they were...i own nuthin but quantum and saw they had deals on these reels so if made quantum i would trust they were worth buying
  5. Use mostly spro frogs for my my hollow bodied frogs really want to try the pad crasher from boo yah as i heard its softer which might increase my hook ups this summer though ive been throwing the stanley ribbit and have absolutely loved it
  6. thanks guys for all the info guess i gotta try this yozuri stuff then already used p line and love it but like yozuri harder to find out here
  7. just saw this frog at local store, at only 3.99 might be worth trying....any thoughts or opinions????
  8. recently got spool of trilene mono for gift.....not a big fan of using mono as i have switched to floro n braid, went to return to see that they had a copolymer line ive heard of this before and wasnt exactly sure what it was and its effectiveness think its mono but not sure any info would help( the line was berkeley trans optic, in case that helps or if anyone has opinions on it) thanks
  9. ive had alot of luck with the dicks exclusive shaw grigsby series creature bait dont think they make it any more which is too bad cuz theres not much out there like it and d**n it catches fish
  10. Saw these at gander mtn and they looked good and figured since i throw stanley ribbit frogs why not...but on my first two outing with it got two fish to explode on frog set hook and thought i had two big ones bagged but both threw the frogs mid fight after the dissappointing losses i inspected the frog to see the frog barely moved on hook thus preventing a good hook set....just wondering if anyone else has used these and encountered this problem or maybe just bad luck any info would help
  11. well another fad is upon us and ive been hearing alot bout them but are umbrella rigs worth the hefty price tag... 15 n over just for the rig not counting the jig heads and swim baits...have gift card at gander mtn and considering getting an umbrella set up but being a shore fisherman not sure if it would be worth it????? anyone use and have any info or opinoins????
  12. stateline near rockford
  13. anyone else in northern IL having a difficult time with this crazy warm march it went from winter to summer thus messing up my fishing approach im usually used to lower temp and a spring pattern what evryone throwing at um cuz im catching nothing
  14. gander mtn has these bad boys on sale just wonder if any one has tried and if they are worth picking up just a bag to try out or clear them out and stock up !!!!
  15. just wondering if anyone has tried the new hollow frog from booyah at 5.99 its worth a look but is it better than bronze eye or even close
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