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Everything posted by Stone

  1. It's made out of plain old fiberglass. By pretty banged up I mean there are some pretty deep scratches on the bottom. Would a thin coat of Rino Liner material help with the durability at all? I hear what your saying about the trolling motor, but Ive seen quite a few over the years that have them. It's a canoe, so I dont need a huge motor, nothing fancy either. If I was to add a motor, what size would be good, in your opinion?
  2. I've seen over the last few years quite a drop in kids fishing. Used to be I'd see a guy and one or two kids out for a day of fishing. Now, it seems to be mostly middle-agedish guys. I live in Mass, and we have never been know as a big fishing state, so maybe it's just where I live? I've tried getting my son into fishing, but he gets bored after about 5 minutes. My fishing buddy has 2 sons, neither one is interested in fishing at all. Is this a trend? Too much video game play and fishing just isn't that exciting to them? What do you folks think?
  3. For our regular old everyday house beer, we drink Busch Light. Not my favorite, but it's ok. The best beer Ive had lately is an English beer called Young's Double Chocolate Stout. Can be tough to find, but is worth the search. We have a place in the city (Worcester Mass) that has a huge amount of different beers, and everytime we go, I'll try something new. A great way to try new beers.
  4. First question is, any suggestions for a good trolling motor setup? I know nothing about motors, batteries, or controls. I do know that I have to buy something that attaches to the canoe and that hangs off to one side that you then mount the motor to. Second question. I've noticed that my canoe, a 14 and a half-foot Great Canadian Sportsmen model, is getting pretty banged up on the bottom. Someone made the suggestion of having the bottom coated with that Rhino Liner stuff they use on truck beds. A totally stupid idea? Would it screw up how the boat handles? Thoughts?
  5. My wife thinks it's silly, but I always practice catch and release. She can't see the point of fishing, catching fish, ad then throwing everything back. But, she's not into fishing, so she just doesn't get it, and that's fine. I've gone catfishing and have kept a few cats. The one fish that I do recall keeping was the largest fish I ever caught. It was a 38 inch Pike, and he was delicious Of course Ive been deep sea fishing a few times, and keep everything.
  6. Haven't lost any but I have found some gear while fishing. I've pulled in a couple rods, no reels that I recall. Thing is, the spots I go to can be pretty popular, and I fish from shore, so it's pretty rare that I dont find something. Usually just a few splitshot, or a pack of hooks. Had a buddy that found a nice Buck folding knife on shore once.
  7. Although a bit unconventional, I've found that sewing machine oil works great. I will admit that I've not tried anything else, so I'm not sure how it compares with the lubes meant for reels. Years back, the owner of my local bait shop (who also repairs reels) suggested it. It's pretty thin so it doesn't attract debris, but will keep the reel operating well.
  8. My names Stone. I'm 39 years old and from Massachusetts. I've been fishing pretty much my whole life. I'm what you might call an old school fisherman. I use spinning reels and live bait most of the time, usually shinners. Most of the time I fish from shore although I do have a canoe that I use from time to time. I tend to be brand specific when it comes to my gear. Shimano reels, Shakespeare rods, Gamakatsu hooks, and Stren fishing line. I will however, break out my Pa's old Zebco spinner and rod once in awhile. I look forward to chatting with you all.
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