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About ksboy

  • Birthday 11/21/1943

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    South Central Kansas
  • My PB
    Between 6-7 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Grand Lake of the Cherokees
  • Other Interests
    I like to play golf and travel with the wife.

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Short Fish

Short Fish (4/9)




Community Answers

  1. Bass are predators and will eat anything they can catch.
  2. I joined. Thanks for introducing this League, Montanaro.
  3. I suggest you consider WHY the line is digging into itself. I'd think you are getting hung or when you catch a fish, the line digs in. I have the same problem but I consider it part of the deal when fishing braid. Just my thoughts on the subject. BTW, I use Academy H2O braid. $9.99/150 yard. They're 20 and 30# work very well and are pretty smooth.
  4. I feel that fishing is worth doing no matter what!!! Catching fish is an added benefit to being on the water. Go!!! Enjoy the wonderful day God has given you and if you can, catch a couple of lunkers. Be glad of the opportunity you have to be there.
  5. Nice Lookin first attempt. Let us see how it progresses.
  6. I just read RW's advice for beginners. Great piece of information and really true. Back in 2006 when he wrote it, the Senko was probably the best thing in the world and probably priced about right. These days, at $8 per bag of 6 or 8 (at WalMart) they are a little expensive for me. There are lots of other companies that make the "Senko-type" worm that last longer (the Senko is VERY soft and only last a catch or two). Of course, since 2006 almost everything has doubled in price. Great article, Kent!!!
  7. The article by Joe Bailey is appropriate and well-written. Thanks for your experience, Joe. I hope at least one of your six kids catches the (bass-fishing) bug from you.
  8. If you can't possibly afford a boat, Top Water close to the bank around cover, especially grass. In the small ponds and some lakes,you can usually see the grass in the summer.
  9. Wish I were going with you.
  10. ksboy

    none boater info

    Try contacting "The Bass Federation" They should have some info on clubs in Ok. Look them up in Google.
  11. I used it for a while till I found Academy. H2O braid is $10/150Yds and their 20 and 30 is as good as any I've used, 832, Stren, Berkeley, and PP.
  12. Big shoutout to the VanDams. Picked both this time out!!!!!!!!!!! The other two (Tharp and Horton)did OK but not top 12. Now on to 7AM to see who closes this deal.
  13. 1114. Jordan Lee tanked at 62nd. KVD, Tharp, Timmy Horton, and JVD all made the cut!!! Best 2nd day so far for me. Have to hope it keeps up.
  14. I'm no expert with marine electronics but I have a H'bird 581 on the front of my boat. I fish mainly in shallow water and I normally use the 2d sonar for depth and temp.
  15. I use mostly Abu Garcia reels and rods. The Black Max is a great reel for $40. I've caught a lot of fish on them. I own 8 of them now, buying one whenever I have the $$$$. I have mono on some, braid on some, and co-poly on some. They all work great. I do keep them clean and oiled but I do that with all my equipment. Abu rods are also good quality. It's kind of hard to be selective at WalMart but they do carry a few of them. I think the Vengeance rod is $50 at WalMart. They have carried the Vendetta and Vigilante in the past but not sure if they still do. Good luck with your selection and welcome to the Wonderful World of Bass Fishing!!!!!!
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