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    Atlanta, GA

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  1. Hi Galen. Thank you for reaching out. The line tie is a screw. We changed from a metal clip to a screw several years ago on a few different sizes on our baits. (Your pic is a old version with the clip) we now have the screw completely horizontal almost like you have it its just a couple of degrees off if you turn it a few degrees to where its horizontal and your good to go. The hook hangers are swivels. They are supposed to rotate by design helps keep the fish pegged so it doesnt give the fish leverage. Now the 7 8 9 and 11 inch we still use the clip. The 4 5 and 6 we use a screweye. Hope that explains things and if you have any other questions holler back. Mike
  2. We have a shop in Hiram, Georgia (Natures Tackle Box) that started out as a makeup (yes Makeup LOL) and fly fishing. 4 years later she's one of the better if not one of the best selection bass shops in the Atlanta area. Her secret. She just has the personality to go with it. She can sit there and talk to customers with the best of them. She also offers alot of custom made baits as well. She has a Academy 200ft from here and a Walmart across the street and a bass pro coming soon that will be within 20 minutes from her. She is still going strong. You can't beat good service and selection.
  3. attaboy Chris ~ Thanks bud!
  4. zip, Hard of hearing. Phones no bueno.. There's no thread about the banquet????
  5. I know I saw something about a banquet Wed nite 7pm @ Guntersville. Any more info on this? I was supposed to go out with Gene this am but 100mph winds had other ideas. Would like to atleast attend the banquet on Wed nite.. Steve78 might be coming with me. Any info on the festivities? ie location? events? etc etc..
  6. somewhat Easy definition. Any point that isn't on the main lake.
  7. Several things I do to help clients that are novice to bait casting gear. 1. I personally make about a 30 yard cast and put tape on the spool and then reel on the 30 yds of line over that tape. This will prevent backlash getting too deep and help you concentrate more on casting. Duct tape has many usages 2. I would reccomend a somewhat heavy bait to start out with while learning and graduate to a lighter bait. A spinnerbait or sammy type bait would be a good starting point then work your way to say a weightless senko. Mike
  8. They are making a bracket that will hold both a 360 and a Talon at the same time. Don't quote me but I don't know if the power pole and talon brackets are compatible?
  9. Absolutely Jeff and Kent! Be my pleasure .
  10. Durn thats a huge tarpon in your avatar LOL. Good to see you Chris
  11. I can't argue with Mike here. Spot on. Open water the 701DX is a hoot to fish but your limited to dropshot with that rod (701)...
  12. Very slick idea on suspending cedars I bet that takes a few cinder blocks LOL. I've done the opposite hang them from wave barriers. Works well.
  13. Hey Glenn, Gene, I've never been to a BR Road trip so I'm not sure how the boater/non boater thing works. Count me in as a boater. I can take 3 guys (plus myself) out comfortably in my boat if needed. probably won't stay the night but I'll be there atleast one day for sure. Mike
  14. I looked at Phoenix recently (721). The thing that bothered me was the back deck was bigger than the front.. If your comparing Nitro to Phoenix in usuable deck (carpet to carpet edges) width the Nitro is 7 inches wider in front of the console.. No doubt the Phoenix will scream.. Depends on what you want. Bigger boat or faster boat? Loved alot of the knick knack ideas in the Phoenix tho. ie place for pliers, snake light in the tackle storage etc etc..
  15. I own 4 birds 2ea 1198's,997 and 917. If I can help with humminbird let me know. I've been running SI since Humminbird came out with it. Kayaks and SI you guys are hard core LOL. It will work just not sure it will work as well as you want it to. Depends on how you use it. If you vertical fished alot I would highly reccomend it but I wouldn't guess you guys vertical fish much (maybe you striper guys on big lakes). The key here is finding fish with SI/DI. To get good images of structure you need to be moving 3 to 5mph roughly. to find fish (vertically) you don't have to be moving at all. Now Streams and rivers... ehhhhhh not sure I could reccomend a Si unit for that. But yes it will work. Here is an example of finding fish with no movement of the boat. Notice speed aka mph. Now one might ask gee sonar is good enough in this instance. But these big groups of fish aren't always under the boat LOL.
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