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Everything posted by ryanerb

  1. Definitely was! Salzman wins it by less than a pound. Pretty crazy, but as you all know, I always root for the underdog! 2nd place for Wheeler is still pretty dang good! Amazing how tough of fishing it was for guys out there today, many didn't even get 5 scoreables!
  2. It looks like your predictions are coming true, Salzman is in the lead now! This is a good race!
  3. It sure is amazing how Salzman is 110% reproducing Connells previous winning pattern on the face of a dam...
  4. And wheeler has a floatilla around him, lol slick calm out there, and kvd says no current.
  5. What do ya know, Wheeler is leading the pack. Dropshot out of all baits. The won't throw for most guys... How bout dat ned rig?! Maybe a shakey head? This lake is fishing tough...
  6. Well a couple days into the tourney, I'm not seeing any other posts about this? Weird they have been drawing current but the ledge bite doesn't seem to be entirely materializing. Wheeler is resorting to dropshot all day today to make it to the championship. KVD won his group and is going straight to it. Overall, seems like many guys are struggling, I'm not sure what the issue is, maybe post spawn funk?
  7. 15% off for those wondering
  8. This one is so long it's called a worm. 7 inches. Zoom Z Craw Worm https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/Zoom_Z_Craw_Worm/descpage-ZZCW.html
  9. Sounds like it started the day windy and some jerkbait fish were caught. Now it has slacked off and much more calm. 23lbs is leading, with LOTS (AND I MEAN LOTS) of guys still VERY low on the scoreboard. Man Jacob Wall is smashing them on a spoon right now! Any clues which one? Fun to watch. https://majorleaguefishing.com/events/2022-05-12-lake-guntersville/live/?overlay=1
  10. And Wiggins wins it on a shaky head... Said he's just some redneck from Alabama and he likes throwing a worm. I like rooting for the underdogs, I'm glad he won!! As for our FFS guys, I guess it didn't quite take the cake for this tourney, some of them it does. Glad to see a traditional technique take it
  11. Amazing, browning finally moved into some 'moving' water coming into the lake and is catching em! Seems VERY obvious the fish would like to sit here waiting for food to flow into the lake. I think JT earlier said he was surprised no one was heading to these water inlets to fish....
  12. All the rain made for some dirty water, guys are having to change it up. All day and Wheeler is only at 13lbs? Must say something. Good to see Wiggins in the lead, I think he's throwing a shaky head on docks, one of the most basic ways to catch 'em!
  13. Seems most guys are bed fishing... so entertaining to watch Jones JR seems to be struggling on the beds today....
  14. Did some reading to save everyone time: https://majorleaguefishing.com/press-releases/wheeler-takes-large-lead-at-qualifying-day-1-for-group-b-at-stage-four-of-the-bass-pro-tour/ (yes he was bed fishing...)
  15. I was busy fishing this weekend, scoretracker says he was fishing some soft plastic craw in 0-5 ft on rock. Any more details on what he was doing? Shakeyhead? Were they all spawning bed fish? etc
  16. Pretty surprising how many BPT guys are fishing this tour as well... I guess may as well 'keep working' in between BPT tourneys... Some guys fishing shallow and flippin and others out on the main lake with small swimbaits... Jacobo is putting in some hurt, I remember he was a stand in for a previous BPT event...
  17. A little different with the 5 fish limit format, no penalties, no officials on the boat, etc
  18. Didn't know they were doing live coverage on anglers boats on these smaller MLF tourneys! JT & Chad are still one of the announcers. I guess he's got a full time gig now between all the tourneys happening. Here's the link if anyone wants to watch at Pickwick: https://majorleaguefishing.com/events/2022-04-21-pickwick-lake/live/
  19. 3lb limit really changed things....
  20. BAHAHHAHA I'm glad you're keeping track!!! While I do think boat flips are a bad idea and lose fish, this was a little safer than a flip, because he grabbed the fish with his hands in the water and threw the bass into the boat with his hands (different than boat flipping hoisting by the rod).... The fish was super hot and I think a lip would have been a little safer but the belly lift and throw into the cockpit of the boat must have seemed safer to Connell at the time.... But let's talk about my favorite BOAT FLIP of the day, TAK. Tak boat flips a bass in on the starboard side of the boat, and the fish comes unhooked and lands on the carpet for a fish landing violation. The fish after it hits the carpet, bounces RIGHT back into the water on the Portside of the boat. It was quite a smooth process to watch, but obviously Tak came out of that one with a 2 min penalty and no fish to weigh. The peanut gallery behind the desks had some good commentary on that one, JT was loving it and gave it a 'double whammy' star of approval. I do love watching fishing, but I'm glad they got JT behind the desk to give us all some laughs!!
  21. Wow, Connell with the big one, throwing it into the boat, pretty cool! Really snuck in there and pushed Lee out...
  22. Too many guys throwing paddle tails on chatter baits. Everything I've read said that paddle tail competes with the action of the blade and it's kind of frowned upon.... I'm so confused... I know there are no hard fast rules in fishing, but the pros are pros for a reason...
  23. Ehler sure barely squeeked in! But glad he did. Whoever is on the audio mixing today definitely messed up a few times, here at the end on the recap all I hear is a guitar riff with the commentators barely audible in the background!! Someone is jammin in the studio lol
  24. I've now see Birge and Shyrock fishing without a ball cap on. Seems weird, not used to seeing this. Any specific reason or did the hat just fly off while running 60mph down the lake?
  25. Russ Lane just lost one boat flippnig on a frog... He didn't seemed to concerned about the loss, I think it was scoreable though.
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