I won't name the lake, but the lake in CA with the biggest spotted bass has a public launch with no fee. Imagine that. I just about peed my pants I was so excited the day I launched my boat at that lake. Too bad I live at least 6 hours away.... It had a nice paved ramp, etc. It's obviously sponsored by someone, whether the state, department of waterways, the county, or someone. As mentioned in a previous post, other states use the 'other' fees we get charged to maintain the ramps, etc. CA just hits you all along the way, with no breaks.
I do like the idea that some of the fees go towards stocking the lake. Obviously not all fee payers are fisherman, so not all the money can go towards stocking. Sadly, all my lakes I pay fees at don't do any stocking, so the money is going elsewhere. Like you said, I'm free to contact my local parks and rec department who is collecting the fees to see where they go. I'm sure they go somewhere, whether or not I agree with where they go is another question.
It all goes back to the basic principle of getting taxed in too many ways. CA has income tax, and sales tax. You pay when you make money, then pay AGAIN to spend the money. Interesting concept. But we live in america, I guess it's the price you pay.
As for security, I've never see any security officers, but maybe that's lopped into the local 'park rangers' who are staffed doing various projects, but I'm not sure security patrol is the high one on the list... I'd probably rather take my chances of break ins compared to paying 30 dollars per day to go to my local lake.
Just my .02 cents, rambling on...