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Everything posted by ryanerb

  1. The 10% off giftcards at TW are live now.
  2. Cabelas deal is now out of stock and over. I found a Simms jacket at TW the other day for like 1/2 off and later found out it seemed to also be some sort of price mistake. These happen pretty rarely, sometimes you get lucky, sometimes the place will also cancel the order. Always worth a shot. I'm a lefty so couldn't jump on the Cabelas deal, but then again I just bought 3 reels over black Friday, so I'm pretty maxed out right now!
  3. I found your thread doing a search. I don't have it, but like you, have been looking at it very closely. I think it just allows you to visualize in another manner. I personally love the idea. Everyone always says use regular sonar for finding fish and downscan for finding structure. So why not marry the two? Going with a Lowrance unit is a well known unit, so even if you don't end up liking or using fish reveal, you still got a solid unit!
  4. There are SO many small rod manufactures out there now, along with a LOT of big manufactures. It has to be tough for them to compete...they sure gave it a good whirl. Never had an Enigma rod but I'm typically sticking with the big names like Shimano, Dobyns, etc. Aaron, as good as he is, is usually pretty quiet on the scene. Definitely doesn't get as much press and show time as some of the other pros it seems like. I guess this is the time of year for sponsorships to change, right before the new upcoming season!
  5. Just saw an article stating this (not sure if I am allowed to post the article to another fishing site...) Anyways, this means he is leaving Enigma, which I assume wasn't all that much of a success, etc. I don't feel like those rods ever really took off... I don't think he will have too many complaints fishing expensive NRX rods (Not sure if this thread should be in the tackle section, etc, Admins can move if needed....)
  6. Prayers for you you and your family Tom. My dad also has had kidney cancer.
  7. You’re lucky. I don’t think my local dicks stocks any Dobyns.
  8. If you're really into 'experimenting' you might be able to get the 20% off Simms at TW if you complete the purchase (people are saying the discount won't show up until you get the email.... ) but I've mostly heard this with Shimano and not so sure I've seen this with Simms yet... Hence why I said 'experiment'....
  9. Yeah, everyone is wayyy stricter with Shimano.... I actually buy whatever reel I can get at the best price (not loyal to Shimano or Daiwa) and I had some Dick's gift cards and so I ended up with a Tatula CT today just because I could get 25% off on that and not on Shimano (SLX)... (even though the SLX is 99 and the Tatula is 129 MSRP)...If I had had a gift card to a different store, it may have played out differently but I hope I like the Tatula CT.
  10. But.... But.... I tried it and it works for me?! LOL See screenshot!
  11. Dicks would have them at 25% off I believe?
  12. Sorry about that. My bad. I think you can get another 10% off for signing up for their newsletter.
  13. Anyone in for expensive rods? Edge Rods by Gary Loomis - 22% or 32% off factory direct pricing www.edgerods.com Are these better than the NRX?
  14. Thanks for sharing this. Like you said, maybe it would have been worse, but really sad the fees haven't helped much! Worth contacting your local gov that is now controlling the lake. Thanks for adding your input! I agree, the 25-30 dollar entry fee to fish definitely would price a lot of guys out of fishing them. I thought offshore marlin fishing was an expensive sport, I guess bass fishing is turning into that too (*sarcasm) (even if you only burn 2 gallons of gas on the small boats), just because the entry fees. It definitely helps going with a friend to split the charge.
  15. Can't beat the 'two rod' setup Nothing better to increase your chances!!
  16. Tom, really appreciate the advice, I always look for your posts and take the advice with a lot of weight!
  17. I agree.... to a point... you need a GPS at the console with some sort of map showing contours to make sure you won't hit a flat or some other shallow water hazards... HOWEVER, if you are running around the lake at high speeds, you better be most importantly using your eyes and brain to make sure you are not near shore and there are no obstructions in front of you (other boats, buoys, docks, etc) Thousands of recreational boaters don't have GPS graphs at the console and they mostly do just fine. And if you are talking about running around in the fog to where you need GPS, then you shouldn't be driving fast anyways, because not everything is on the maps... Again, eyeballs and common sense are what is needed. Safety is important but to me the primary function (for me) of graphs are for fishing... Something I think people haven't mentioned on this thread was the use of Panoptix or 360 imaging, which is pretty powerful up at the bow. Console needs are limited to some sidescan, etc. If you only have one unit with DI/SI, then it for sure would go on the console (my vote). Bow unit would be standard sonar.
  18. Perhaps interference... but I'm not sure... Why not call Garmin tech support direct? Even offer to send them the pictures.
  19. Alright guys, I went out for like 3 hours today (2pm to 5pm) to a lake I've always known about but never fished. Lake is typically pretty clear from what I've heard, but today there had been so much wind earlier that the water got cloudy... good? Maybe.... I had 3 fish total: First fish on a 3.8 Keitech with leadhead Second fish on a drop shot with roboworm Third fish on the Keitech again Lures I tried: Lipless for a little bit Crankbait for a little bit Keitech swimbait (mostly) Dropshot Spinnerbait (at the very end for only a few casts) Neko rig Key things to note: Yes, I'm lucky to live in CA where the weather is always nice. I think it was over 80 degrees today? I snagged a LOT! I think I lost over 5 setups? You'll see some submerged trees/big bushes in the background. Very frustrating. All my snags came on deep (10ft+ trees) I didn't get any bites right as dark approached. I was expecting a lot more bites towards the end of the day, but most bites came in my first hour... I'm probably thinking I was fishing a little bit too finesse for the water clarity, however, it was slick calm and super sunny out... I focused on fishing a steep rock bank given the time of year (access to deep water)... Advice appreciated: Given the dirtier water and the rocks I was fishing and all the submerged trees I was snagging, is there any super good lure choices in this scenario? Any other info I missed, let me know and I can add... (but won't provide the name of the body of water hahahah) Thanks for your help! See attached pictures...
  20. You have already got a lot of responses. There are also a few other threads that have some suggestions from days past:
  21. Yes Daiwas are always larger with their model numbers.
  22. I've noticed the site being very slow as well. Sounds like you're on it, any 'hints' as to what you're finding? DDOS? etc?
  23. I won't name the lake, but the lake in CA with the biggest spotted bass has a public launch with no fee. Imagine that. I just about peed my pants I was so excited the day I launched my boat at that lake. Too bad I live at least 6 hours away.... It had a nice paved ramp, etc. It's obviously sponsored by someone, whether the state, department of waterways, the county, or someone. As mentioned in a previous post, other states use the 'other' fees we get charged to maintain the ramps, etc. CA just hits you all along the way, with no breaks. I do like the idea that some of the fees go towards stocking the lake. Obviously not all fee payers are fisherman, so not all the money can go towards stocking. Sadly, all my lakes I pay fees at don't do any stocking, so the money is going elsewhere. Like you said, I'm free to contact my local parks and rec department who is collecting the fees to see where they go. I'm sure they go somewhere, whether or not I agree with where they go is another question. It all goes back to the basic principle of getting taxed in too many ways. CA has income tax, and sales tax. You pay when you make money, then pay AGAIN to spend the money. Interesting concept. But we live in america, I guess it's the price you pay. As for security, I've never see any security officers, but maybe that's lopped into the local 'park rangers' who are staffed doing various projects, but I'm not sure security patrol is the high one on the list... I'd probably rather take my chances of break ins compared to paying 30 dollars per day to go to my local lake. Just my .02 cents, rambling on...
  24. Nice fish (and boat)! How did you take that last picture (drone, selfie stick, friend?)? Any details how you caught the fish?
  25. Hmm didn't work for me, but not sure why... The reel also I was trying to buy was charging me for tax, so that was a bummer compared to the old days. Life goes on!
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