I couldn't handle it. I traced it all down, and was able to find the jigs are (likely) just imported from China by a company in Auburn, California by the name of Pacific Catch. Let me know if you need further info, I was able to track some more stuff down.
THUS, there is no company called 'Bass Patrol'. This is just a name given to the jigs by some smart businessman doing a bulk import and then reselling the jigs under that name.
There is a HUGE business in this import stuff, if he can import these jigs for .25 each and then sell them to distributors at even 1.50, he's making some money for sure.
This is assumptions based on what I've found online. Some of this data could be outdated, thus this is my best hunch but I could be slightly wrong. Someone in the fishing supply business may have a little bit more insight, but this was just part of some of my internet research.