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Everything posted by ryanerb

  1. LUCKY SON OF A DUCK! I live in CA, no Academy here... Too bad they don't have those kind of deals online. Wish I could get them to ship me some! haha
  2. Looks like a fun day! Can't pass em up with the kids want to go. Mine will be that age sooner than I know!
  3. Tom, so sorry for your loss. May he be in peace, and peace fill you and your family.
  4. It just shows on the Ebay homepage for me: Use code NEWYEARTEN at checkout. Min Purchase: $100, Max Amount: $50. Expires 01/24/20 PST.
  5. That looks like a great day on the water. Similar to my local lake! It's great to see some other California reports in here, keep em comin!
  6. Ok guys, maybe I missed it or something, but ebay keeps prompting me with a 10% off coupon, they even teased me to get 30 bucks off a 300 dollar Lowrance unit I was looking at... Anyone else seeing or using this coupon?
  7. @WRB, is this what 'ike' is referring to about the flat side here? (see link https://www.bassmaster.com/blog/ike-mighty-shaky-head-part-1 ) I'm not sure when the 'glide' happens, I would think more glide with flat side down to give more resistance... Then again, you maybe after something other than 'glide' like Ike is talking about. Just trying to decipher if you and ike are on the same page, and or which page I wanna be on hahahah Just teasing!
  8. Powell Inferno 711 for $55 at TW (was thinking for Ned or split shot) ... was thinking hard about it but hearing from wayy too many people, including some tackle shop employees that overall Powells are known for breaking tips fairly easy and maybe I should go with a Dobyns Fury 702 instead... I gotta admit the Inferno only has a 5 year warranty and a fairly hefty price for a claim considering the rod cost... So all this I'm leaning away from it...
  9. Looks like a fun day and similar to a lake I fish. Great pics and thanks for the great report!!
  10. Those are some nice fish for the Ned rig! Were you mostly dead sticking it or swimming it or.... ? Quite the quality bag! Is that common for that lake or an unusual day?! Nice that you are able to get out and fish!
  11. Shakey head is a GREAT staple for spotted bass. No reason I shouldn't have thrown one. Sometimes I wonder why I let the bait monkey tease me with all these other baits when in reality I could probably always succeed with a shakey head on this lake! Sometimes all it takes is that one 'moment' for it to click and learn something new! Thanks for the tip, I gotta try refining a little bit, although I'll likely try to avoid the 70ft when I can
  12. The more details the better! I had never heard of the BG baby shad (no one here in CA stocks it... Crappie ain't as popular as back east, etc...) but ordered some off Bass Pro and was able to get some crappie last fall in 17ft of water within 10 minutes of trying on some fish in a creek channel I saw on my sonar. Pretty rewarding, a good bait! Love it. Congrats on the fun day, thanks for all the info!
  13. Love the sonar screenshot! The downscan really helps show the fish, the 2D almost looks like weeds or something?? Were the fish on a brush pile? creek channel? Any rhyme or reason they were where they were? Did you meter lots of schools all over? Super fun, glad you got into them, thanks for the post!! Congrats on the PB!!
  14. Interesting. I haven't been a big color guy, stick with the natural colors but I've heard chartreuse is good for spots, etc. Definitely something I can fiddle with some more. I like having 2 guys on the boat and hopefully we are throwing different things, etc. Definitely used the graph, found some areas with heavy structure down below and marked fish and caught a few on those areas. I'm pretty sure I was using 6lb fluoro (if not, it was 8lb). I did find out someone else I know was out there the same day and they boated around 30 fish for 2 guys, but they are a better angler than me
  15. Thanks for the tips. Come up any time, I'll take you out, I got the boat ready to go!
  16. Tom, I was hoping you would respond! I do appreciate it and the tips referring to jigs and underspins. This was at Naci. So assuming they are the Kentucky/Nothern, what baits are they preferring compared to the southern spots?
  17. Good suggestion. We were semi regretting not throwing topwater. I would have had to believe it to see it, as I've always done good on topwater in the summer and not in December. Would have been worth a try, especially after seeing a few fish surface. Sadly my rod with a keitech swimbait that was in the 'rod locker' didn't make it out.... why? I can't exactly tell you why, but probably would have been a decent 'search' bait... Will be a must have on the deck for next time. Thanks for the reminder!
  18. Fished Saturday Dec 14th from 8am-12 noon. Central California Water temp around 56-57 Water clarity 4-5ft Air temp 50-57 As it seems, perhaps the lake is still in a late fall pattern. I'm not convinced it is in a full winter pattern yet, seemingly based on the water temperature and the fact we were metering shad in the backs of creeks. Most of our fish came on a drop shot in around 15-30ft of water. Tried an A-rig for a bit, but didn't get anything. Also had a fish on a spoon. I'm not sure if I should have thrown a crankbait more, but water seemed pretty clear for it. Didn't throw a ned rig, maybe I should have? These spotted bass typically like to hang fairly deep. I think I only landed two fish and my buddy maybe had 3 or 4. He was doing decent using his drop shot. Then again, this is a spotted bass lake, so fishing isn't / shouldn't be overly complicated (compared to some of the winter LMB fishing...) Any comments or questions are welcome.
  19. I couldn't handle it. I traced it all down, and was able to find the jigs are (likely) just imported from China by a company in Auburn, California by the name of Pacific Catch. Let me know if you need further info, I was able to track some more stuff down. THUS, there is no company called 'Bass Patrol'. This is just a name given to the jigs by some smart businessman doing a bulk import and then reselling the jigs under that name. There is a HUGE business in this import stuff, if he can import these jigs for .25 each and then sell them to distributors at even 1.50, he's making some money for sure. ***EDIT*** This is assumptions based on what I've found online. Some of this data could be outdated, thus this is my best hunch but I could be slightly wrong. Someone in the fishing supply business may have a little bit more insight, but this was just part of some of my internet research.
  20. VERRRRY Interesting. Never thought about that... Hmmm.... I'm excited to hear the mystery solved on this one!
  21. Well if any members here got extras, maybe they would be happy to sell you one to try out. I'll be interested to see how successful the baits are for our members. River2Sea seems to be a manufacturer happy to partner with celebs, just like they have with ISH, etc. I'm not familiar with the owner of R2S, but they are much more into partnerships and labeling than some of the other lure guys.
  22. All the people who buy NRX's think you do! Tackle manufacturers are the winners here!
  23. Holy Toledo! What color flat worm were you using? Looks like the white one or white/brown? Were you able to see the fish on your sonar or were they belly down in the rocks? That will be a day to remember. Glad you got some pics of the fatties!! Thanks for sharing, what a fun day!
  24. I'm very impressed!! Way to get out there when most people wanna stay at home. How deep were you getting your ned/shakeyhead fish? Squarebill indicates not much depth despite colder water temps. In high winds, could you fish a dropshot with a heavy weight?
  25. Why not just use your wifes email or create a second email account?
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