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Everything posted by WVBassHunter

  1. Thanks for the input been searching the forums now...had IE problems for a few and wouldn't let me do a search so i posted instead. Should be better than some rods though on the market right? Kinda in a pinch for money right now....bought several guns over the last few months at shows and my new AR!!! haha
  2. I did mine yesterday and talk about getting the bucket bug quick! All I can think about is breaking the oil film on a bubba for the first time this year!
  3. Any one have any experience with these? Says Gary Loomis gave his input or design on these. Seems like a great deal at Cabelas for 100 bucks and a lifetime warranty...
  4. Well finally made a decision... Remington BDL 30-06 w/ Leupold glass and rings. Thanks for the help guys!
  5. Thanks for all the replies! I have settled on either one of the following... Remington 700 SPS Weatherby Vangaurd Held and fired a weatherby today and was very pleased with it. Darn decisions!
  6. I deer hunt only, but eventually will start black bear hunting in the next year. So the 30-06 is a must IMO for that. I just threw the Ruger 14 in because i shoot a friend's from work quit often and its a BLAST!
  7. I currently own... Sig SP2022 9mm Remington Gamemaster 760 30-06 Winchester Xpress 12G. Semi-Auto I am looking to get another rifle but I am torn because I really want another pistol but the wife was hard enough to convince for this one. haha.... Anyway I would like to get one of the following rifles... Ruger Mini-14 Ranch Remington 700 SPS Remington 770 Stainless Remington Model Seven CDL Or finally... Remington 7600 Pump (Something about pumps I like) All would be a 30-06 round...perfect for me. Any input would be appreciated! Thanks again!
  8. I use Hoppe's Elite gun oil and their gun grease. It works wonders for my 53yr old Remington Gamemaster 870 and my Sig Sauer SP2022 so it is like silk!
  9. Most all boats of that size...my Pelican Bass Raider 10E included call for no more than 3.5 HP. I saw a guy on the Ohio river the other day in the same boat with a 3HP and he did fine. Scooted pretty well and did fine with all the coal barges that went by him. Matt
  10. Two words.... LOVE THEM!!! I use both them and the Glass Shad Raps with tremendous success! The fat raps are better around timber w/ very little hookup issues. Use them when nothing else works and you are sure to get something before you leave the lake! Matt
  11. I am not trying to hijack this thread...but.... I have always fished with the good ol' ugly stick 6' Med action spinning rod. I have used it for everything from spooks to cranks to spinners. Some know I started a thread a few months ago looking for a new rod between Loomis and St. Croix. I have settled on a Croix but my concern now after reading all this...will I not be able to do all I was doing before with good success? Or am I over thinking it? I was looking at the St. Croix Avid spinning 6'6" Med. Thanks!
  12. Great looking rig! That is the exact way I have my transducer mounted if anyone is wondering about mounting theirs! Well worth it and you don't have to worry about pinching your wires in the motor brackets! Matt
  13. Question.... I installed 2 seats from Cabela's that we got the other day and left the swivel bracket centered on the bracket. Very similar to the seat you have. The wife and I went out today and I felt myself being further over the side of the boat while fishing and along with this, the boat was leaning farther to the side we were fishing. Should I off-set the seats a couple inches and designate one side for fishing more so when having someone with me it will be less likely to have a tipover? Thanks! BTW...fishing today was dead! One crappie and no bucket heads!
  14. x4 I have the Endura 55 w/ the wal-mart battery and never have an issue ever! Good luck! Matthew
  15. Rapala Glass Shad Rap for shallow and mid-deep. It has been the most productive lure I have ever used and is always my producer when everything else fails! Matt
  16. No pic yet...and sorry for taking so long to get back with you....we are getting ready to lose hours at work and all of our scheduled OT and go to a 3 shift monday through friday which I hate! Anyway.... If you look at the right rear pontoon that has the white sticker for the model and whatever else is printed on it...I put the top of the hummingbird bracket flush with the bottom of the sticker. CENTERED is a must! Then I left the transducer a tick loose in the ratchets so I can fold it up for loading into my truck and keep it from getting nailed unloading if the ramp or ground is rough. I will try to get you a picture of the boat this weekend and how I mounted everything. Matt
  17. Thanks for the reply's about the motor on the bow....but the places I go are very hard to get to and it is much easier to "shore" the boat with the motor on the transom.... I messed around some with battery placement and found a the "sweet" spot that will allow me to move easy and get around standing trees without bouncing off them. Oh well I love this boat regardless!!!!
  18. I have the 10E and love it! I have the Minn Kota 55 on mine in the transom mount and it does very nicely even in high winds! Only thing I get bothered with is drift in the wind. I am going to experiment with a clamp on rudder in the front that stays straight all the time to see if it helps me move around easier when by myself. I have the battery up front to even out the weight some. I have also mounted a Humminbird PiranhMax 170 w/ the transducer to the right rear hull. Screwed in with stainless screws and 5 minute epoxy to help keep the wet stuff out. I am now looking to get a couple rod holders to use for both crappie fishing and night time cats! Just haven't found the right ones yet that will secure spinning reels tight.
  19. Thanks for all the replys everyone! I went out this morning at 6am to the local DNR lake that has been pretty dead on bass...crappie and bluegill hit everything in the water still to date. Results....Threw buzz and tiny torpedo in the early hour....bass after bass Threw a few grubs on a 1/4 jib head....bass Threw a few Rapala minnows...silver and then the rat-l-trap.....bass Finally fished up around noon with a black/gold and the blue clear glass shad rap....BOOM bass hitting hard! Total of about 23 bass that I can remember catching...not to mention countless bluegill and crappie! I decided that if I was going to pay 20 some dollars for a lure...they better jump in the boat before I even tie it on! Also...I LOVE POWER Pro!!!! LOL Tight line's everyone, Matt
  20. I have a 10ft Bass Raider w/ a Minn Kota 55 Endura and it does very well! But i agree, don't skimp on battery or charger. Matt
  21. I think i will order one tonight when i get home and give it a shot next weekend at the local DNR lake. I'll let you guys know my findings. \ As for it being a pointing device, no..but it illuminates the bill of the crank to be "laser" bright. IDK...i'll report back what i find... lol Matt
  22. Anyone use them and whats your thoughts? Looking to add to my Pelican Bass Raider 10E Matt
  23. I have been reading alot about the Laser Lures and seeing them used more and more around the local DNR lakes with some pretty good success....even with Channel Cats. Anyone use or like them? Thanks! Matt
  24. Check out www.superbrightleds.com as well. I have used them for years and their customer service is great. I run LED's all around on my truck because of the look, but also the less power means the alt works less and the battery stays live longer. The brighter you get, the better. Go with a multidirection LED bulb and be sure to test them out before screwing anything closed because of the polarity thing. Good luck! Matt
  25. Thank God i'm not the only one out of the boat....everyone here thinks I lost my mind and says its only 5 to 10 bucks! But I say different!
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