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Everything posted by hookingem

  1. :D What a guy!
  2. This is awesome! :D :D Who doesn't like bacon!
  3. FOE Family Over Everything...... Screw a 600 dollar paycheck.
  4. Alot more running and more running :D
  5. Ill take an invite! :D
  6. Wrong section but a Curado 200e5 if you can find one on discount would be an excellent option!
  7. A 2 pound smallmouth could crush that thing with ease! Deff. not too big!
  8. Do you work for Cabela's!?
  9. Shop around in the flea market, and go to dicks sporting goods and see if they have any more Shimano Citica's left. Starting off with a cheap reel can make your baitcasting experience turn into a nightmare. A good reel can be had for around 50 dollars either in the flea market or on discount in stores. As for a rod a discounted crucial or Compre would deff. be an excellent starting point. I have owned both and can say they are a super bang for your buck. Good Luck!
  10. Those jigs look excellent! Nice work!
  11. Thanks for posting Glenn Excellent video Marten's is the man!
  12. Jealous I want a 50mg so bad!!!
  13. Yeah just see if the school already has a fishing club established or go about establishing one.
  14. If I ever catch a Smallie like that I would be ecstatic!
  15. It's like everything else quality comes with a price tag.
  16. Radford didnt even get hit Be safe bud and snag a few biguns'
  17. Awesome advice right here I'd plus this a million times if i could! You da man!
  18. Irene's not coming there is nothing wrong with this thread and no hate is being flung If anything this is telling others to be more accepting of others....
  19. No phobia at all tbh. Now at of all honesty I never seem to get along with Obama supporter's, and the only reason for this is because they never have any valid information and 99% of the time seem to be misinformed. I was simply asking for advice/insight from those that have had an experience with living with a *** roommate. He seems like a decent guy and I'm sure he will understand that I am not interested in him and he will respect that.
  20. Good advice! Yeah we plan on beeing nothing but nice to the guy heck he's going to have to deal with about 8 fishing in one dorm!
  21. Idk if it's a problem or not? This is why I am asking have never lived with a *** guy before.
  22. I'm a pretty tolerant guy, and try to be as understanding as possible, but for my first year of college I got tripled up and one of the guys is g.ay..... Have any of you all had a similar experience? Any dissaster roomate situations? I'm pretty worried about it. Oh and to top it all off he is a die-hard Obama supporter.... :o
  23. 7 Td's 10 Int............
  24. I think my cell phone vibrates harder than a 5.8 earthqauke.....
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