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Everything posted by kyle317289

  1. +1 for the HDS 5. I love mine. However, if you plan to add structure scan down the road the screen will be a little small. Depending on the lakes you fish you might could do without the insight mapping and save some money.
  2. Louisiana Largemouth- 15.97 Would likely be higher if the state hadn't killed the lake with grass carp at it's peak. Smallmouth- I don't think we have one.
  3. You could just send them to my house...
  4. I've found there is little fun to be had fishing 98 degree water with a 110+ heat index. I can usually get used to the jet skis.
  5. I've found there is little fun to be had fishing 98 degree water with a 110+ heat index. I can usually get used to the jet skis.
  6. I've found there is little fun to be had fishing 98 degree water with a 110+ heat index. I can usually get used to the jet skis.
  7. Just picked up structure scan for a total of $432. Can't beat that!
  8. So i can order an e-giftcard and get 10% off and then turn right around and spend it for another 20%? hmmm...
  9. I've got the 7'10'' kvd rod. It's got a good action and you can throw big cranks a MILE. it's a tad heavy but that's to be expected with a nearly 8' glass/comp. rod
  10. UPDATE: I got the boat back today. The mechanic said the main source of the problem was the fuel injectors. 2 were completely stopped up. He said it likely just built up over time thanks to the horrible gas we're forced to buy. He also told me to run minimum 89 octane and at least 1.5 oz per 10 gal gas of ring free plus fuel additive.
  11. It dosen't. It just says 86 minimum. I've thought about that and the octane could be a small part of the problem, but I doubt its the whole problem. From now on i'll probably go with 87 at a more popular gas station than i've used in the past.
  12. Well I took it to the shop this morning. They said they should get to it thursday or friday. The mechanic said it could be any number of things. Hopefully it won't be too bad. To bass_fanatic, i'll definitely let you know.
  13. I took it down to a local lake today and fished a while. Nothing seems to have changed. I probably ran 4-5 miles total. A few more details that I haven't mentioned before: it smokes a good bit more than usual right after i crank it, but doesn't smoke at all after a run. it won't get over about 5200 rpms max. usually WOT is ~5500. Any more ideas? If not, i'll probably go ahead and put it in the shop. thanks for the help btw.
  14. Ok guys, i checked the connections and the fuel filter and both seemed to be good. I put a can and a half of seafoam in one tank with about 23 gal left. I went to the river to this morning and it seems like the problem has gotten worse. Starting out this morning it did fine good hole shot, 10 mile run, no problem. After that things went south, it would take 9-10 seconds to plane out. I would give it gas and the rpms would immediatly go to about 2200 and slowly rise to about 3200 when it would plane out and do 4500-5000. Ocassionally while running it seemed to miss and the tach would go up and down +/- 200 rpms for 10-15 seconds at a time. I ran probably 30+ miles today so the seafoam should have had a chance to work if it was going to. I think i'm going to change the plugs and fuel filter and say a prayer. If that dosen't change anything i guess i'll put it in the shop.
  15. I haven't checked the fuel filter. I'll try to check it out tomorrow. How much seafoam should i add per gallon?
  16. Motor is 99 200 Yamaha Vmax ox66. Idles fine in neutral. Cranks no problem. Currently has fresh 93 octane with marine stabil mixed about 6.25 gal per ounce. When I put it in gear and idle it starts running a little rough occasionally it will go dead. When I give it gas sometimes it will do fine and plane out normally. Other times when i give it gas the bow will rise and it will take the engine a couple of seconds to reach full power and plane out. Once planed out boat runs normally. I can run WOT then let off and slow down or turn and accelerate again no problem. Any ideas what the problem could be? I'm thinking gunky injectors maybe? Any help would be appreciated because i'm certainly no mechanic.
  17. i've had success with bright colored beetlespins.
  18. I would have suggested we go fish a creek waaaayyy back in the woods. Then, I would probably show up to the weighin alone. :-X j/k...
  19. That sunfish is SWEET!
  20. Anybody tried them? I played around with them at a local shop and thought they felt really good. They seemed noticeably lighter and less flimsy than the tesseras.
  21. That definitely sounds odd. What have you tried throwing at them?
  22. I've always done much better, especially with numbers, in the fall. The cooling temps cause the fish to really feed to get ready for winter. I spend a lot of time in the fall chasing schooling fish on top.
  23. yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
  24. thanks guys. looks like i'll dig a little deeper and get the 4 bank.
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