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Everything posted by ilbassman67

  1. I think you should take a serious look at Bass Cat...they also have LIFETIME TRANSFERABLE STRUCTURAL WARRANTY
  2. Thanks for the replies! I have a 200 HP Mercury and in order to fit it into garage I have to tilt motor all the way down to upper limit of trim. I was checking out the Talon and see it has a quick release kit. That may be the route I have to go.
  3. Been thinking about getting a power pole but I have limited clearance (6' 6") into my garage. Can anyone tell me how tall these things are once installed?
  4. 2007 Bass Cat Pantera II....This Cat is ready to eat...LOL
  5. I have a Lowrance LMS-332C GPS/Sonar mounted on the console. Can anyone tell me if the Garmin Inland Lakes SD card will work in this unit?
  6. Long Pond, Clear Pond (lots of Rainbow Trout), and Sportsmans Lake are all good. The water is very clear in all these places. Caught lots of fish from each pond along weed edges using soft plastics and spinners.
  7. You might want to consider trying Kickapoo St. Park just east of Champaign. It is about 20-25 minute drive off of I-74 in Vermilion county. It is full of ponds that can be fished from shore. That was one of my go to places before getting a boat.
  8. Thanks for all the help....the points that uncle leo suggested were the most productive for me but I couldn't boat a keeper. Caught several 13 - 14 in. fish and was amazed at how heavy they felt. Looking forward to going back there soon.
  9. Thanks Uncle Leo...you working those points with a C-rig?
  10. Thanks j-bones...I can't wait to get on some bigger water.
  11. My club is out of vermilion county. I have read that slow rolling spinners on the points is very effective too.
  12. I have never fished this lake before and my club has a tourney there in July. Any suggestions on some good locations and lures to start off with?
  13. thanks fishfordollars. we will definately try that area. yes, i do have a lake map
  14. I will be there. Plan on leaving from way up in IL. on monday. Not sure of name of place but i believe we are staying near harvey creek. This is my first trip there so if anyone can give me any helpful info i sure would appreciate it. Thanks
  15. WOW...sure is a nice catch. I hope to join the elite double digit club some day.
  16. Thanks for the info...
  17. I just got a drift anchor but have never used one before...any helpful hints or suggestions?
  18. Really happy to find there are many others with the same bass fishing addiction I have. Been a bank beater most my life but finally got a boat last year. Now my addiction has grown so much that I already upgraded from a 17' Tracker to 19' Bass Cat. Can't wait to start fishing some bigger water.
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