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Everything posted by bixbybasspro

  1. Ya, lots of fish to be caught but no big fish... :-[ :-X
  2. They're all fun... 8-) 8-)
  3. I believe they hold onto it longer when they suck it in..
  4. My past experience, conditions, water temp, seasonal patterns, and put it together to formulate the best producing pattern that i can find.. 8-)
  5. First of all, Welcome to the board... Dead Stick simply means taking a Senko or a Fluke and casting it out and letting it go the bottom w/o moving your rod...Just let it go to the bottom.. 8-)
  6. Noooppe never have... 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
  7. Awesome bait and i still don't throw it enough... 8-)
  8. Marcia, well said and good luck to making it to the top.. 8-) 8-) 8-)
  9. Hey Squid, what's his name, i would like to talk to him? Thanks...
  10. It pays off more than not..depends on the water clarity....the clearer...the more natural of colors...always pay attention to the size of the baitfish also b/c that can lead into a better day...
  11. Nice Earthworm, looks good...
  12. I always do!! 8-) 8-)
  13. Have confidence in what your doing...Because it starts with yourself! 8-) And Obviously again Never Give Up! 8-) I dont' care for Iaconelli but i love his saying..
  14. Several consistent days of 60-62 degree water 8-) 8-) 8-)
  15. TR20 Triton 2002 Merc Opti 225 X-15 Lowrance 101 MK Maxxum 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
  16. Dissapointing to hear...It happneds probalby more than u think :-/ :-/ :-/
  18. I have had buddies that have had elbow surgery, just put the rod down and get it over with. I had a buddy last year that really started bothering him in teh middle of the season and it was hard for him to stop for awhile but he had too to get surgery...
  19. Definately create one anyways...Look into what is more important to you, improving your fishing and seriously concentrating on that, going after sponsors?, or can you do both... The pros i have talked to say that if you can make it without sponsors, do it w/o so you can concentrate on fishing!..That's my advice..Ask yourself.. 8-)
  20. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D that's hilarous...
  21. The Ika is indeed a Magic Bait : : :
  22. Nice, Thanks 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
  23. Stick with a jig and, drop shot, spinnerbait, and a jerkbait this time of year and hit the areas that aren't quite a windy...It kinda depends on what pattern your on, if u want wind or not... 8-)
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