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Everything posted by Hooligan

  1. Whereas I, on the other hand, have never had a quantum that wasn't a total piece. Opinions are like....well, yeah. Everyone has one and shouldn't be faulted for it.
  2. That's what I was wondering, I can't find anything on it at all. It's supposed to be finer and tighter in diameter than anything currently available. I would assume that it is similar in construction to 832, but don't know that for sure yet.
  3. Anyone had the chance to get their hands on it? I've only seen the advertising for it, saying it will be available early in '11, have nothing other than that on it. It's been in a couple catalogs, too, but no other real descriptors as to what the line will be like.
  4. I'm in 100% disagreement that the rod is too much for 6lb. Whether it be the 6-8 or the 7-2, the 1/8 oz and small dropshot baits are where both of those rods excel. It handles lighter line much better than heavier, for that matter, I'd hesitate to put 8lb on them at all. I rarely fish those two rods anymore because I fish my Cumara and Avid, but in situations that I know I'm going to be fishing lighter lines, light weights, and tiny dropshot baits I reach for the Crucial. As for my "All around" finesse rod I have a pair of Avid AVS68MXF.
  5. For me, sailfish is king. I've caught tarpon to the 130 class, and I'll give that fish up time and time again to chase sails on the fly. There are several very good outfitters in Guatemala, I've stayed with Sailfish Bay Lodge for the simple reason that they're the very best. It's the trip you'll never forget.
  6. That's a super day for anywhere!
  7. Had a tournament on one of our favorite lakes in IA this weekend, and man was the weather a battle of wills. We fished a bit on Thursday when a cold front was rolling in. Temps dropped by over 20° in a period of an hour and a half. Literally twenty degrees in ninety minutes. It did not bode well for the coming days. Friday we pre-fished in 35+ MPH winds and rollers pushing the five foot mark on the main lake. It was rough but after a relatively short while we were able to pattern some fish. Water temps were pretty steady around the 51° mark with little variation, even in those areas that it was traditionally warmer. Before we got off the lake, though, we had put together 3 patterns with one pattern being seemingly rock solid as we caught a couple 3lb fish back to back. After that we moved to a different area with the same structure and it was dead on, so we were going to go with it. Until, that is, we found that there were two other boats that were on the same fish in the same areas, but with a different method. It was going to come down to boat draw.fortunately we drew relatively high and had a good blastoff. This morning, however, everything changed. Overnight temps were in the mid 30's, with winds of 15-25 NNW at 05:00. It did not look good. At all. We hit spot #1 where we had marked fish, and had caught fish the previous day , the difference was huge. The water temps were down by five degrees, the fish were now in 16-18 FOW with locked jaws. Couldn't coax anything there so we moved to the #2 in hopes that no boats had made it over yet. When were arrived we had it to ourselves. Again a spot that we had picked up a few fisht he day before, including an accidental big fish. The previous days pattern was definitely not on, so we adapted; we downsized baits and went to a lot slower presentations, essentially dead sticking for great periods of time. You could see fish charge you baits, and they wouldn't commit. They'd just sit and stare for minutes on end. Boat control was easily the hardest part of making it work. We picked up a couple keepers and decided to move to the primary spot we had patterned the day before since we could now see there were no boats in it. We moved in and, you guessed it, no fish where they were, and they weren't hitting the moving baits they were yesterday. Another adaptation. After about 30 minutes we were back on good fish and had a working model once again. By 10:20 AM we had a five fish limit of primarily 15.5" fish. We remained on the same pattern for a good while, culling 4 of the fish with 16" fish or better. We were trying really hard to cull the last two, constantly checking each fish, and measuring the last fish we had to cull just to make certain he would go. We culled the smallest of the two, and continued to fish right up to the time we had to scoot back to weigh. We ended up catching 110 fish out of the area, and had a pretty good idea of the fish we were on by the time we had to leave. When we weighed, though, we had a penalty because of the rough, rough ride we had back to the launch. After penalty our weight for four was 12.37. Roughly a 3 pound average, and that's what we were catching through the day on that spot. Had we not taken a penalty we would have won by over 3 pounds. As it was we placed second and got big fish with a 4lber. All in all, it was pretty fine day to be on the water, regardless of the cold, windy, rainy days. We went to catch fish and enjoy the company of friends. We did both.
  8. You wouldn't like the 821 much, I don't think. It's borderline too light. The 822 is a great all around rod for Shaking. The Cumara will excel as your dropshot rod. I haven't found a rod that I like more for the purpose.
  9. Might be different in Canadia, but they no longer have an over the counter warranty. It's been confirmed numerous times from various sources, including Shimano Customer service. You might get Bass Pro Shops to do an OTC, but most are not. They've been shipping in the states since around March, I think it was. I caved on the CUC74H, and have fished the Punch rod. Both are what they should be and then some.
  10. I really like the Sammy in 100 and 128, but prefer the Wood 100 to all. The only size I have Gunfish in are the 115, I think.
  11. That 7-3 LTB is one of the best C rig draggers ever built. Bar none. I prefer the LTB to my NRX 873CRR.
  12. Yes, they're talking about that taper. For instance, in the Bronzeback they have a MagLight rod. The rod's action is an extremely powerful light action rod with an xfast tip. The Mag rods are typically much more powerful in the but section of the rod, tapering rather quickly to a fast or extra fast tip. In general they are more powerful than their counterparts, while still retaining the tip action needed to present baits and work them effectively. Edit: The reason I use the Light action rod is because the difference is much more apparent. If you compare the SMR750S to a comparable Avid, you'll notice the tremendous difference in the butt section of the rod.
  13. Hooligan


    I use the Elastic, wife uses Orbiter Mono. The Croakies that failed were both Terra Middi, i believe.
  14. Hooligan


    I like Chums, actually. I lost a pair of Actions when the little rubber piece failed on Croakies, soon after that, my wife lost her Maui Jims from much the same sort of thing.
  15. From what understanding I have the graphite is the same, but the finished blanks are very different. Lumping them all together as having the same blank isn't a fair comparison.
  16. I really like the Spro, in both the power and Stainless. One or the other, maybe both, is available in 50 count.
  17. I like it on a 3/0 or 4/0. I've used it on a Trokar and an Owner respectively.
  18. I'm not a picture taker, never have been, never will be. I've only had roughly half the number of fish on cranks this year as I would in a normal year. We've had a really off spring so far. Point of reference: three days ago it was a high in the 50s. Today was 105°.
  19. Like others are suggesting, there are far better rods in that range. Veritas, Premier, Carbonlite to name a few. I'd definitely be looking elsewhere.
  20. What, and forever turn them off from fishing because you're yelling at them for fondling your gear? My five year old son has full access to everything I own and he knows it's a privilege, as such he takes care of it. It's two fold, when he grabs a 7-2 Cumara he can handle it because it weighs so much less than a junk rod and spincast reel. To the OP, kudos. Keep him interested in any way possible whether that be from using your gear to rummaging through your tackle with you. That's awesome.
  21. I'm right with you on the Duckett rods in terms of price. Get a Carbonlite Micro for $100 put Tatsu on it, and you're better off than a Duckett. I think they're seriously overpriced for what you get. I picked up a Johnny Morris Signature Series II today, just for grins. I hear a lot of people talk about them so I'm going to give them a shot. They're light and well balanced thus far, so we shall see.
  22. By comparison, the BPS rods are far better. The Mojo is considerably heavier, as well as very tip heavy. It takes about a 300 size reel to balance them. I also feel the actions on most of the Mojo rods are pretty limp. They leave a lot to be desired, even at the price point. Consider that you're comparing rods like the Veritas, BPS Carbon Lite, the Johnny Morris Signature, and the Premier. There are far better rods available than the mojo.
  23. I bought a lot of tubes that were a color mismatch because they were the perfect color. I'm almost through them now and going to be sad they're gone. The only other tube I fish with any consistency is the LFT Craw Tube.
  24. Ultra lights and bass fishing don't go together unless we're talking slews of 12" fish. As for my dream rig; I have them.
  25. I agree. My CBR843 is the first rod of choice for warts to Deep Little N and DT10 DT14, square bills in open water, and lipless all around.
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