I could see guys moving to the Dobyns instead of IMX or GL3, for that matter I know of guys that have. Yet, when it comes to the NRX and CE, there's just no real comparison. For me, comparing a CE to the GLX is a stretch. There are guys that will swear by the Dobyns, but I'm not one of them. Don't get me wrong, I think they're a very, very well built rod, and they're definitely worth every penny. Yet, at the same time, the GLX and NRX are lighter and more sensitive, they fit me better- my style of fishing better. You may find that you'd take the Dobyns over the GLX and that's just fine, too; both are super quality rods. As a point of reference, the DX795 is far and away the very best flip stick I've ever handled. It has everything I want in a rod: Extremely powerful butt, a very, very smooth power transition, tremendous lifting strength, a tip that is soft enough to allow you to work a bait effectively without moving it ten inches at a time, and excellent sensitivity for a rod as powerful as it is. I would go so far as to say it's likely one of if not the best flipping sticks ever built. I have a handful of rods that I'm overtly in love with, and the DX795 is one.
Would I sell my NRX, and other, rods and convert to Dobyns? No chance. I'm far too happy with what I have, and don't think I'm fishing solely NRX. I fish everything from St Croix Premier to Loomis, Cumara to Phenix. I'm not a slave to the name on the rod, reels are a different story.. I fish what works for me, regardless of what those around me fish. That would be my suggestion to you, get one in your paws and give it a shot, that's the only way you'll truly learn the differences in them.