There is a lot of money and ego in our sport.
There's more truth in that statement, alone, than most would even think to realize. I'm going to use myself as an example here. I have zero ego about my tenure in the fishing industry, no reason to. Yet, because I'm extremely fortunate to have access to gear on several different levels of the game, I have the opportunity, sometimes, to see things that other guys won't see for a year or two down the road. I have the opportunity to get my hands on a lot of gear that I wouldn't otherwise purchase, as well, I have no sponsors to answer to other than a couple. I use Northstar and Seaguar, amongst others, because I genuinely believe them to be the best I've used for what I do and how I do it. I've tried all other major fluorocarbon lines out there, and I've not found one that gives me the benefits of Tatsu. I don't represent those products or companies for free gear, or to get something out of the deal, it's because they've got a great product and it's one that I use. I can honestly say that for over two years, Northstar is the sole jig/spinnerbait I've thrown. Seaguar is not the only line I've fished, but I always go back to it.
In the case of a lot of pros, they're using a product or pushing a product for the fact that it works. They're with that company and using that product because they believe in it. Edwin Evers is a great example of this- as is Tim Horton, and Kevin with his Nitro. There are those guys, i know, that are pimping something only to be throwing another on the backside. But there are those guys that are legit, and they're doing just what they say.
I agree heartily that I listen to what occurs in a seminar a lot more than a TV show. I really enjoy the opportunity for learning most of these guys throw out there. Guys like Jami Fralick are superb teachers that can illustrate every portion of what and why. Most of them are good about that. Most, if you listen well, will give you everything they do- they do tend to break it up and compartmentalize it, but it's all there if you can put it together.