Hi all yall. I've been reading this thread outside in (its LONG). I'd like to ask a couple of basic questions. Before I get too winded, Thanks to Catt and others for writing their knowledge down for others to share and add.
I have some very fond memories of T Bend from when I would go out there with my family when i was growing up. I remember trying to catch those huge brim down on the bottom near the boat slips...the small ones always took my worm before the big ones would move. And I remember fishing and fishing all day... nothing but fishing and eating, maybe a quick dip every now and then. Hurricane creek seemed like a mystical place when i was 10... we'd haul butt for ever to get there and then pull into this cove with timber sticking up out of the water like giant fishing rods.
So now my dad and I are planning a trip out to T Bend for anywhere from 3-5 days of fishing at the end of March. I'd like to make the most of it since I now live in Wisconsin and don't see my dad as often as I'd like.
1) If anyone wants to offer a few coves for general all purpose any conditions type of fishing that would be wonderful. Its a giant lake and narrowing it down a bit would be good.
2) Any good suggestions on where to hole up at night? Looks like some places are starting to fill. Six mile reported being booked. We're up for camping if the weather is decent, but cheap room would be okay too. Boat slip with electrical hook up and fuel a plus. Any suggestions? South end preferred and we'll be coming in from the Texas side. All you folks seem to know the lake very well... whats the collective think on where to over night? Marina or nearby town motels/campground?
3) Any good places to eat nearby? While the beer and cheese are great in Wisconsin, I sorely miss southern food so chicken fried steak, biscuits & gravy, fried catfish etc *will* be consumed in large quantities.
I guess thats enough questions. I thank you in advance!