My dad and I fished this weekend.
Friday fished from about 5 pm till dark. Caught 12 bass with 4 keepers. We fished Yocum and Negreet. Most on light texas rigged lizards and weightless flukes.
Saturday fished from 8 am till 7 pm. Caught 30 bass, 10 white perch, and about 10 white bass. We kept 5 white perch, a few white bass, and 9 bass. White perch and white bass were on beetle spins in back of Housen. Bass were caught on flukes, lizards, senkos, wacky worms, and 1 on a swim bait. Bass were scatered as we fished negreet, yocum, housen, and pirates cove area.
Sunday fished from 830 am to 11 am. Caught 10 bass with 7 keepers. We fished lizards, flukes, and wacky worms in the Indian Mound area.
In summary, we caught 52 bass, 10 white perch, and 10 white bass. 72 fish in a weekend is not bad in my book. We couldn't find any big fish in the 2'-10' range that we targeted. The biggest fish went 3.5 lbs. Our most productive lure was a watermelon fluke.
Good luck!! Hope this helps!