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Everything posted by srwshooter

  1. i don't how many jetboat owners there are on this site ,but i'm sure there are a few. we are making intake fins for jetoutboard engines, most jets that i see have fins on them ,but are made from aluminum and get damaged easily. these are made of uhmw and will take lots impact . they not only protect your unit ,but direct more water into your intake improving performance . they are available now at jamesriverjets in virginia ,call jim starkey at 1-434-286-4004
  2. do not put line x in any boat . all the boat builders i've talked to say that rhino lining is the only one on the market that will flex enough to stay on. i know shops closeby that are spraying rhino lining in aluminum boats with no problems. line x and others may come off in big hunks ,they are just to hard. and no i do not sell rhino lining........
  3. i bought a kwikdrop seat pedestal not long ago , in my jet boat i can't see around the front seat very well when running. this thing really works nice . anyone else tryed them. http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a126/srwshooter/P1020653.jpg http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a126/srwshooter/P1020654.jpg
  4. does anyone else own a jet on this forum?
  5. sounds to me like you have a wiring or connection problem . something is over heating and blowing your fuses, next time out run it on high a while then feel your wires to see if there getting real hot.
  6. 04 chevyz71 crew cab 4x4 colorado, inline 5cyl tows my 17ft jet great.
  7. here's mine , had it built this spring . custom built 1754 rhino,125-90 jet ,stick steering,runs in 2inches on plain http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a126/srwshooter/P1020043.jpg http://i10.photobucket.com/albums/a126/srwshooter/2jets.jpg
  8. i use amsoil powerfoam in the spring ,just spray a whole can in the carbs . i also use it in my auto's
  9. hi to all ,just joined this forum, i had a jet boat built this spring and it has a hotfoot ,i'll never own a boat without one again . running the rocks its real nice, believe me if you hit a rock you want the boat to stop. its real nice for loading the boat to.
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