I built two baitcasting rods over the past winter, and am looking for suitable reels for them. One is 6' medium action, other is 5' tip action. I'm not up to speed on what's available out there these days and would appreciate some guidance. My local water is very clear and requires long, accurate casts into channels in the weeds.
My present casting reels are a 32-year old ABU 5501C, which still casts beautifully, a 6501 C that I use for saltwater and heavy feshwater (pike) stuff, and a Shimano Citica and Curado about 5 years old that work O.K. most of the time.
I'm looking for two left-hand lightweight (7 ozs or less) reels - preferably under $300 - with really smooth and dependable casting action, for throwing crankbaits in fairly weedy locations. Any thoughts anybody?
There are just SO many out there these days its hard to even narrow the search, let alone decide on one or two?