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Everything posted by Oldbritguy

  1. I'm still using the old Abu Garcia 5501C my wife bought for me in 1978. Still casts smoothly and with less overruns than any of my more expensive modern reels. Came in a leather case with tools, manual, lubricant and spare washers, etc. They dont come like that any more. This old reel is built like a jewel, and after 32 years of service is still a joy to use . . . .
  2. I want to try 'pitching this year. What kind of reel do I need for this? Do most baitcasting reels make good pitching reels, or do some have better features than others. And what kind of rod do I need to go with it?
  3. I built two baitcasting rods over the past winter, and am looking for suitable reels for them. One is 6' medium action, other is 5' tip action. I'm not up to speed on what's available out there these days and would appreciate some guidance. My local water is very clear and requires long, accurate casts into channels in the weeds. My present casting reels are a 32-year old ABU 5501C, which still casts beautifully, a 6501 C that I use for saltwater and heavy feshwater (pike) stuff, and a Shimano Citica and Curado about 5 years old that work O.K. most of the time. I'm looking for two left-hand lightweight (7 ozs or less) reels - preferably under $300 - with really smooth and dependable casting action, for throwing crankbaits in fairly weedy locations. Any thoughts anybody? There are just SO many out there these days its hard to even narrow the search, let alone decide on one or two?
  4. I'm getting really confused when looking to upgrade my reels and lines this year. In particular with the huge variety of 'braid' lines out there. Last time I bought any line was a few years ago ( fruit farming leaves little time for serious bass fishing). At that time there were only two varieties just out on the market: Spiderwire and Fireline. Now there are literally dozens of brands, and varieties on the shelves. Are there any definitive and honest reviews of braid lines: characteristics, performance, price, etc. etc. that would help a dumbo like me to make a suitable choice for various uses and conditons? I can't afford to buy them all, and dont have the time to experiment, either. Would appreciate any help here. . .
  5. Recently bought some braided lines to try out this coming season. What's the best knot/method to join 30 lb braid to a piece of mono or flourocarbon leader? How long can the leader be? Is there a method that will enable the joint to pass easily through the tip ring for casting? Any advice welcome. . .
  6. I really appreciate all the input and suggestions here. To answer a few questions: I am a well-practiced baitcaster for more than 35 years, and I love using the level wind reels. I can usually hit a soup-plate at 40 feet with the normal overhead cast. However, that being said, I still have trouble getting accurate overhead or side casts into weed pockets only a foot wide - 30 - 40 feet away. Whereas, using the spincast/'bow and arrow' technique I can hit it just about every time. Only problem is when a fish takes I find it hard to drive the hook in solid, and then get the fish out of the weeds. It seems I really need to learn how to pitch and flip using the baitcasting rig. Two techniques I have never tried and know little about. Are there any instructional videos in this forum (or elsewhere) that show pitching techniques in detail? Thanks again for all help.
  7. Thanks Rooster. I am aware of the potential problems you describe. I also saw a bass pro demonstrate this "catapult" cast at a fishing show some years ago. Wonder if it was the same guy? And he also used a spincast reel (Zebco I think). Regarding your idea of the 'trigger-style' spinning reel; I have a couple of these and it does work O.K. with them, but the spincast does it smoother. Maybe I'll try to learn to 'pitch' (Not sure exactly what that is; flip or pitch? whats the difference?). Thanks for all suggestions and ideas. I guess it just confirms my suspicions that the spincast reel concept has its limitations as well as its advantages.
  8. My local fishing spot has lots of big bass buried in heavy weeds. Only way to get 'em is dropping a lure into small gaps. The only way I can do this is using a closed-face spincast reel and an overhand catapult cast (holding the hook and putting a big bend in the rod) that throws the lure accurately about 30 - 40 feet into the holes in the weeds. Works really well for casting. But the problem is neither of my two spincast reels seem very happy handling big fish. Do not reel in very smoothly, line often goes slack, poor drag, etc. etc. Unfortunately this cast can not be done with a baitcaster or a spinning reel. Do I need more practice using the spincast reels - or maybe another brand - or is this an inherent problem with this design concept? Oldbritguy
  9. Thanks K-Mac. I chcecked Cabelas last week and they showed 'backordered' for this unit. However, they now show 'in stock'. So I'll contact them again. Hopeffully they'll have the particulatr model I want? Thanks. Oldbritguy
  10. Am looking for Lowrance HDS -7 GPS/Sonar unit, but seems there are none available at the better outdoor stores in the US. Anybody know who might have in stock??? Oldbritguy
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