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Everything posted by Slowboat

  1. Have driven by en route to the coast a few times and it did look good all the other times. Just picked the wrong time to actually stay a night and get on the water.
  2. Made it to Clear Lake. Wow that is one lake full of Algae. Very green and lots of clumps of Algae. Never got the temporary fishing liscense for the one night stay so didn't do any fishing. Took the kayak out just to get some paddling in but it was pretty soupy. No stink yet but when it dies it could be interesting....... :-X
  3. Thanks for the info. So I wonder if it does stink will we smell it in the campground or just out on the water?
  4. Smell Bad? What's the story there?
  5. Heading up the Coast on a roundabout trip from Arizona to Portland with a stop at Clearlake approx August 31. Fishing via Kayak. Pretty green at this fishing thing. Any big success has been with a Bass fishing friend due to his knowledge not mine. Any tips or suggestions for Clearlake at the end of August. Thanks
  6. Uncle Junior (mine). Take a kid fishing and he will remember it forever. Not a fishing trip goes by that I don't sit there staring at the water and think of my Uncle Junior and all the times he took me and my brothers fishing.
  7. Lake Havasu, a little farther downstream is even better for Bass. But getting pretty far away from you and also doesn't quite fit into the where is the Bass in Nevada question.
  8. El Dorado Park, been a long time since I've heard that name and probable thirty years since being there. I remember it being pretty big but don't remember ever fishing there. I do remember fishing the Los Alamitos Race track as a kid though. Snuck in of course.
  9. New to the site and somewhat new to "educated' fishing. Have fished many times through the years but not enough to really know what I am doing. Most recent fishing trips have all been with a Bass fisherman and have caught a decent amount but only because he knew what "he" was doing. Took up flatwater Kayaking three or four years ago and have wanted to start fishing via Kayak for some time and finally took my first shot at it. Caught one large mouth via a non educated approach of tying on a crankbait lure and getting lucky. Plan to educate myself as to methods, habits etc and this site looks like a good place to do just that. My Bass fishing friend has moved away so his knowledge is no longer available to me. I most enjoyed the early morning top water "attack" catches I made while fishing with him and look forward to some of those via my Kayak.
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