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Everything posted by mobassin

  1. crystal city
  2. i did some research on it and have been looking at them for awhile. the reels really felt good to me and i guess a lot of other people as they're selling out as fast as they get them here where i live.
  3. thanks for the reply. don't know if this is something that has just came out or what but i'm not getting any answers here. i think i posted it in the wrong place tho. and maybe everybody's probably got a boat big enough for the normal foot control motors.
  4. has anyone tried the new ones? i just bought 1 at dunns. the first time i was in the store they sold out. went back in 2weeks later and they only had a few left and they were 7:1 so i bought 1 of those. hope i didn't throw my money away.
  5. i've got a small basstender bass boat and am considering buying one. anybody on here know anything about them? would like to use both hands fishing so my wife doesn't outfish me all the time.
  6. I was in 9'-11' of water and they were showing up at around 5-8' deep. I've asked around and most of the guys told me after I set every thing up like I want on manual to put it on auto. It doesn't have a auto button so I went back to the book and it doesn't show any info on it in there. I'm wondering if maybe I should put back in normal mode. I left it set in advanced mode to set everything up. Thanks for the responce. I guess I'll keep hounding hum....till I get a responce.
  7. got a 345c for xmas and never used 1 before. the manual is pretty vague. I've had it out on the water a couple times. I set it on 9 chart speed and 70-80% sensitivity. I'm getting good pictures I think of bottom and structure but no arches yet and I also had what looks like odd shaped ponds blue in the center and a thin yellow outline around it with a little red in it sometimes. Could someone tell me what I' seeing? Would love to find some dvd's to rent somewhere. Can't afford to buy any as I've been off work all winter. Any advice will help.
  8. could someone please tell a good spray on-wipe off cleaner i could use on a plastic bass tender. the last one i tried made it so slick i almost busted my ..., it also has some black scuff marks i can't get off.
  9. thanks for all the help.just to get started here's what i've got so far. 1pkg. zoom horny toad junebug chart. legs,ribbit high floater moss grn.-ragetail grn.pumpkin pearl belly-magnum super fluke white pearl, salty super fluke white pearl,bass assassin sprayed roach shad,sweet beaver junebug by reaction inn., berkley 10" red shad power worm,5" senko grn.pumpkin blk.flk.,berklel 5" red shad shakey worm, 5" senko watermelon w-blk&red, 5" senko red shad laminate,berkley gulp chart. floating nite crawler...for hooks i've got 3doz. 4/0 superline ewg offset, 8 3/0 same,3 3/0 offset shank worm ewg, 6 2/0 offset shank rb, 2 5/0 frog hooks hitchhiker, 2 frog jig type hooks. i don't know what hooks to use for top water on these frogs or worms. if there is anything else you think i shouldn't be without let me know. any and all advice is appreciated.
  10. i'm new at fishing soft plastics and would like to see what hooks i need to use for differant baits in general.thanks also what size hooks should i be using for each of these?
  11. i bought a hum. 345c pt. fish finder and the suction cup mount is a joke. could someone please give me some advice on what is the best adapter to buy or how to make one. i've been told that some are made of plastic and break easily. thanks
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