Like many of you, I've caught channel cat at times on various lures. They get pretty aggressive during spawning time and can be caught along riprap and other spawning areas with crank baits. Earlier this year I fished one of the kinfolk's ponds with a 7 wt fly rod and a Dragon Tail streamer. It was early in the morning, cloudy, foggy and cool. I'd already caught and released two largemouth over six pounds with my fly rod this year and looking forward at another chance for a good bass or two. As I walked down the hill to the pond, what looked like a bass, kept pushing up water around an old stump. It was in easy casting range and after a couple false casts, I shot the streamer past the stump and stripped it back by pretty fast. The water exploded and I was fast to a heavy fish that headed for deeper water. It didn't take long to realize it wasn't a bass and soon I had a three pound channel cat in hand. Maybe ten minutes later I approached a dock that generally held some bass and tossed the streamer past the deep end and allowed it to sink a few feet before stripping it back in. Something jolted it and the power of the fish had my shoulders aching before I had it to hand, another cat, this one pulling the Boga to 5.5 pounds. After releasing the fish I caught another three pounder. I struck out on bass but the three channel cats were worth more than the price of admission. I rank small channel cat, any size flathead and the smaller yellow bullhead, what we call "butter cats" as prime table fare.