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About JD_fisher

  • Birthday 11/03/1966

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  1. Being a newbie twards fishing ! Ive got a question for ya all !! I got one of those yum crawdad kits but how do ya rigg them up ?? It had a few jig heads in the kit but i know there are better hooks out there So how do you guys rigg them up and what hooks or jig heads do ya use?? thanks
  2. yes ABELFISHER - we would really like to know more about this crawdad riggen!! Who makes it and were did ya find it?? thanks ROD
  3. thanks JT guess i'll save the 20 for other things then
  4. Just wanting to know if anyone has tried the lucky craft live pointer ? Being a kick tail buyer no i havent tried them yet- but this lure looks much better than a kicktail but my gosh the price !!Seams to be a little high to just try with out any input on it fist! Anyone use one yet ?? thanks
  5. STICKLING in the fishing articles on this site it is stated that bass's smell is 700 times stronger than ours= even better than a dog. So what does or doesnt smell to us is way differnt if you muliply by 700 times
  6. To bang on the sent subject some more .Ive got a question . Being a smoker and knowing that nicotine will turn fish around in their tracks. IM thinking of getting a box of those thin gloves a nurse or doctor wears - put them on to have a smoke take them off to fish. Since you cant allways wash your hands when out and about. It would keep the bad cigg oders off but - after all this my question. What about the talkum powder left on your hands would IT be offencive to the fish??? THANKS
  7. I live in a small town west of ROCKFORD ILL. Fishing pretty poor around here mostly private stuff
  8. kajun im saying this with any authority but = they might not be true florida strain kinda like a hybreed sun fish. With genetics the way they are today they might be a mix that simple cant reproduse. With most florida strain fish they are after the hawgs without regaurds to reproduction. Not that its worth it but there is my .02$ worth!~
  9. Please to all who chose to use wd-40 read the can it is a posion - the human race dumps enough junk into the water as it is ! NO MORE PLEASE
  10. NATURAL yes you can make your own = vegtable oil and garlic cloves.For my question does wd-40 hurt the fish in any way ive herd about useing it but the thought of it is nasty. Does any one know if it hurts fish in any way not that ide use it just wondering ?? jdfisher
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