Got one from just this weekend. It may not be so much a mistake, but just a funny/weird story. To preface, last year we went fishing with my mom, dad, and myself the third or fourth day we got our boat. My mom was killing it, she's quite the fisherwoman (my dad got a lucky catch with that one ) and had 4 white bass over 16 inches, and an 18 inch yellow bass. Also, she had two 18 inch lmb, all on the same green crank. My dad and I couldn't catch a cold that day, and we were just laughing our rear ends off. She would always call it her lucky lure, and one day, I decided to use it just to see. After a few casts, I get a snag on a sunken log, and couldn't get it out. The line snaps, and we lost the lure. She claimed I lost it on purpose, and won't live it down, always saying something about it whenever we go out and fish. Well, today, a year later, my dad and I our taking the boat out of the lake (a medium sized sand pit) and I look by the sore. I see a very lime green color in the weeds, and say to my dad, go check that out, it looks too green, I think it might be a lure. Thinking I had gotten lucky finding a new lure, he goes and picks it up. He just thinks it's another lure, and I look at it, and realize that it is the lure I had lost. The hook rust + winter, must have set it free, and it floated half way around the lake. I'm now lucky, and only have to buy two treble hooks for mothers day. ;D