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About Fishaholic7lbs

  • Birthday 03/23/1993

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  • My PB
    Between 8-9 lbs
  • Favorite Bass
  • Favorite Lake or River
    Toledo Bend

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  1. Thanks guys for all the replies. I backed the cast control knob out again and the little square washer was either wore down or had thinned out over the years. I took another washer out of a junker reel that I found in the closet and took the square one out because it seems wore out and replaced it with this other one and its working now. Made a few casts out in the yard and its casting great. The old curado has seen her better days and she's been put through the ringer but I'd take them e7's over anything made today.
  2. It has a carbon fiber looking piece in it unless its missing another one
  3. So on one of my curado e7's my spool tension will not get tight. If I tighten my tension knob all the way down the spool still spins freely like theres no tension at all. Take the cap off and the spring is in place I lubed up all the bearings and still does the same. Wondering if one of you guys have experience with this before i can talk to my reel guy on monday. Thanks
  4. I had some veritas.. although they are very light and sensitive for the money I had several break on me.. had a 66m break boatflippin a small bass and had 2 7H break. One that still puzzles me cause I had caught 100’s of fish on and one day had a bite set the hook and snap.. but i still got the fish in
  5. Buy rods that fish whatever you use most.. What you need and what you think you need are 2 different things
  6. Nothing wrong with an abu black max to get you goin.. as others have said you can get a good deal on a daiwa fuego On amazon i bought one not long ago for 65$.. For a rod try academy brand ethos micro, daiwa airdx, or a falcon HD all are really good rods less than 100$. Your total setup is gonna run over 100$ though
  7. Y’all behind times need to get the vmc drop shot hooks that have the swivel through the eye.. tie any knot you want on it attach a leader with a weight and get on em.. line doesn’t twist As bad neither
  8. I actually saw some of these rods onsale at academy for 149.99.. it took everything in me not to buy one and try em out. They were the 6’6” and 7’ mag bass rods
  9. Hate to break anyone’s heart but the next person going to lews is MARK ZONA!!!
  10. I use an original falcon bucoo micro 610H mf.. lews tournament pro 7:1 15lb mono.. the rod is stiff but does have some tip too it.. I use this rod for spinnerbait Buzzbait chattering all works well on this rod
  11. Aluminum frame is a must.. how bout handle size.. if I’m winding alot i like a bigger handle that’s comfortable.. also IPT.. I found out earlier in oife that its better to have the same reel across the board instead of a hodgepodge of reels
  12. Hey guys reading the post and was just wondering would it be ok to fish football jigs with a braid to flouro leader I have a shimano citica 200d that is on my frog rod and would like to double it on a football jig rod this winter it has 50lb braid on it would that be to heavy of a braid
  13. Falcon has 2 7ft rods that are heavies. A 6 power 12-25 which is more like a med heavy I would say and a 7 power 15-30 which I feel confident in saying its a heavy but not like a broomstick heavy like most people think. They are really good rods for the price but I do miss the bucoo micros those were some bad rods at a good price point and were made in the good ol USA
  14. I actually went and bought the 7’5” a couple weeks ago to have as a braided line flipping stick.. I put one of my shimano castaic on it with 65lb power pro super slick its an awesome combo waitin for that grass bite to get hot
  15. Berkley Trilene Big Game best line out there and cheap as dirt.. boat flip the big girls all day long with 20lb
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