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Everything posted by NorcalBassin

  1. Most of the time I go out these days I'm taking someone most interested in just catching fish (numbers). Median and mode would definitely be around 12", mean would be pulled up by the couple 3+ pounders we'll usually run into.
  2. Wow, that is absolutely terrible. Thoughts and prayers for him, his family, and all of you.
  3. Nicely done Quake... excellent time to pick up some Tatsu or Invizx
  4. Melones is primed to break the spot record again this year... water is down 220 feet from the water dump to the salmon and farmers (all ramps out of the water and only one makeshift shore launch for the entire lake the last month or more requiring a 4x4... pretty much zero pressure). Kokanee are still planted annually, shad are everywhere, and the trout plants are about to start up again. Plus records are in the air with the WRB spot and lake record LMB (18.11), rainbow (8.2) and brown (13.4) all falling the past 4 years. There are quite a few 10+ lb LMB swimming in the foothill lakes around here, but as cool as it would be I doubt there's anything at or much above 20 lbs in Melones, Don Pedro, or possibly even Tulloch. As far as the SM WRB goes, I'm still pulling for someone to catch her out of Pardee...
  5. Shimano is always part of it if you pick up the phone and call (e.g., deal too good to advertise). Megabass is generally the only one off limits even on the phone. This has been a surprisingly silent season for bass tackle sales so far. THUT usually has 20% Black November for the entire month and BTD is usually good for a couple random weekends of 20-25% off, but they've both been quiet. TW has been slow with all of their sales this year (starting on or near the actual date and not lasting as long)... their site is going to implode Friday morning.
  6. I'm definitely in... always look forward to this!
  7. Wow, awesome job and thank you for following through for all 5 years!
  8. Definitely my dad... any chance I get
  9. I never use a weightless wacky rig, but a 1/16 oz wacky jighead with a 5" senko catch a ridiculous number of fish in the gin clear lakes around here before the summer heat hits and pushes the fish deep.
  10. Mine gets a 5" Yamamoto grub in watermelon/black flake on a 1/4 oz darterhead... catches a surprising amount of fish considering she'd rather just sunbathe. My young daughters get 4" Yamamoto kut tails in smoke/black flake on a 1/8 oz light wire jighead and frequently catch so many fish I have to put my rod down and focus on taking bass off hooks and re-rigging. Have to admit I love it when that happens.
  11. Lovin this thread... thank you for sharing your knowledge!
  12. Wow, haters gonna hate. Shocked G Loomis is even in business with the terrible rods they make.
  13. I'll also go with the '89 Niners but against the '85 Bears.
  14. Brent Chapman won AOY in 2012 using Skeet's rods... you don't need a G Loomis or Megabass rod to win. Although, it can be more fun fishing with high end gear
  15. Sweet pic and a heck of a surprise!
  16. Excellent video... haven't used the mojo version but will be giving that a shot next time I'm out. Thannks!
  17. Such a tragedy when someone brings so much joy to others yet has none of their own. He will truly be missed. Thoughts and prayers for his family and friends.
  18. Also looking forward to the replay on ESPN. Watching the live weigh-ins was awesome and I can only imagine how much better it will be in hi-def. That was my favorite non-Classic tournament to watch, hands down. Awesome job Ike!
  19. Nope... at least not for bass.
  20. This story would be a whole lot better with some pictures...
  21. Wow, I was with A-Jay on this one and didn't realize you were back together. The saddest thing is she's ultraparanoid you're going to do what she's already done to you and subsequently ruining the undeserved second chance you gave her. In business there's a saying, "What you permit you promote" and I'd say the same exact thing carries over to a marriage, parenting, and pretty much everything else in life. If you allow her to check you for all of those ridiculous "signs" of cheating, you're promoting her to continue doing so. If you want to give your marriage one last last chance, then I'd encourage you to calmly and respectively let her know what is acceptable and what is not. If she doesn't agree to trust you or violates your pact, then it may be time to go...
  22. Depends on where you're fishing, but a Hud 68 would be tough to beat in that weight range.
  23. That is crazy... definitely a fluke.
  24. Chris... that is a story that will undoubtedly be in your head forever and I may have to scare the heck out of the kids with it around the fire next time we're out camping. I can only imagine how freaked out I would have been, especially that far out into the woods. Thank goodness you had the dog and shotgun with you! My kids watch Finding Bigfoot every week, and on one of the episodes a couple seasons back I think someone may have had a similar encounter as yours in the Southern Sierras. Nuff... all dogs are different but my experience is more along the lines with Raider. I live up in the Central Sierras and sometimes we'll get bears or mountain lions close by on the property that turn my retriever into an impressively courageous character. He gets an incredibly deep growl and wants to get out the door in a very bad way. It's quite entertaining and I sure as heck don't let him out. Our last golden was the same way on a camping trip... campground in the Eastern Sierra (Upper Twin Lakes) used to "invite" bears into the large campground by leaving the lids off all of the garbage cans. There would be bears walking through the campground mid-day, and any time we came across them she wanted a piece of them... definitely no whimpering. That night we had a black bear rivaling the size of a small adult grizzly trying to get at the ice chest locked in the back of my dad's F250 4x4 maybe 15 feet from the tent, and we literally had to hold her back from running after him. Moral to my story is that in my experience your dog probably isn't whimpering over a bear...
  25. This is quite an entertaining and enjoyable read, but unfortunately I'm sniffing a troll (not Raider's avatar). That being said, I'd love to see some bear or squatch pics from Nuff's yard!
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