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Everything posted by NorcalBassin

  1. Making me proud with a 4 pounder... Plus netting my dad's fish (that definitely didn't need a net ?)
  2. Not gonna lie... already getting a tad nervous after just one storm in early October and nothing in the forecast at least through mid-November. Good news is we can make it up in a hurry with strong storms in Jan/Feb, but I still like it a lot better when all of the ski resorts are open Thanksgiving weekend.
  3. Not a rust expert by any means, but I would recommend air drying your lures before putting them back. If you're leaving your rod rigged with a soft bait it should be fine, but I could see rust developing if you're storing them rigged in a tackle box. The dividers probably help some, but since they're not air tight from the other compartments it will still spread. I have been air drying my lures before putting them back into storage boxes and also have a couple rust inhibitor chips in each box, and I have not had any rust issues in many years. https://www.tacklewarehouse.com/catpage-RUSTSTORACC.html?from=basres
  4. That's pretty crazy and likely warrants a call to Gary. They have top notch customer service and will take good care of you. If you haven't soured on Dobyns the 765 FLIP would also work with those baits. Matt Allen used to rave about that rod's versatility and it was his go to large swim jig w/swimbait trailer rod for many years.
  5. Exprides have a solid reputation and I'm sure you'll be happy with your purchase if you go that route, but IMO the GLX is on another level and worth the extra money (on sale) plus it comes with a better warranty. I have the 842c with a Chronarch MGL and it's become one of my favorite rods... the 843 should be an excellent choice for an all around rod.
  6. Had a great morning full of beautiful spots that have been gorging on 1.5-2" threadfin. Seemed like every one of them puked up at least a few near and/or in the boat and it's in need of a garbage can and vacuum. Love this time of year when things align.
  7. Couldn't pass up 25% off and no sales tax...
  8. Well worth the wait...
  9. Goodness gracious. That's almost not right. Almost.
  10. Absolutely incredible!
  11. 15# brisket just went on. Can't wait for the next 16-18 hours to go by...
  12. 893 is probably the most versatile rod I've ever owned and the 852c gets great reviews (I have the 852s, allegedly the same blank, and am also very happy with it).
  13. Been a while since I've seen those. Good news is you can order them on 11/23 at 20% off even though they're not in stock until the following week.
  14. As has been mentioned the only tackle company truly excluded from TW's BF sale is Megabass. TW is required to include those other companies as being excluded, but they will still give you the discount on your official invoice after you pay or even safer yet just spend a couple minutes calling in a phone order so you'll know the discount was applied before you pay.
  15. Great to finally get back out on the water again. Caught some nice spots and the peak fall bite is getting soooo close. Plus some additional entertainment with the float plane guys practicing.
  16. Even better yet, they're $2 less per pack than the maxscent. I was pretty shocked to see the maxscents cost more per bait than a Senko.
  17. Really curious about BP and the Lees. The way things are going it would be salt on the gaping wound of BASS.
  18. Definitely agree with the M&P recommendation and another well-respected option would be a Springfield XDs. If you want to see a really nice breakdown for either one or the side by side comparison, hickok45 does an exceptional job (1.4 million views).
  19. That trailer job had to be quite the entertaining watch. I am one of those guys that nearly always backs up into every (perpendicular) parking spot since my truck is pretty big (3/4 ton diesel), and it's definitely for safety as has been said. However, I would fully agree about the people that pull through angled parking spaces and subsequently appear backed in and facing the wrong direction. That one always makes me smh and wonder what they were thinking.
  20. Can't imagine KVD not going since he's been with MLF since the beginning and been one of their most successful fishermen with multiple wins. Plus it seems like catching a lot of fish in a hurry suits his style perfectly.
  21. I tie with a Palomar (w/split ring) chasing 4-5 pound wild rainbows in the winter, and even with them fighting like they're a fresh steelhead I've never broken one off at the knot. Odds are any knot will do, but since the Palomar is easy to tie with half frozen hands it's been my top choice.
  22. Surprised to see I'm alone in the LV 500 camp...
  23. Very cool journey and well done with the upgrade. Only thing nicer than the motor in your video was your shirt... 4 year drought is coming to an end in 2018!
  24. Not happy at all about losing the stop next year (looked forward to taking the kids), but I hadn't heard anything about MLF expanding until this thread. That is very intriguing, especially with the additional television revenue. Competition is generally a good thing and it sounds like we're about to find out.
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