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KC Bass Fanatic

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Everything posted by KC Bass Fanatic

  1. This is what I have set up now: Jigs/Plastics - 6.x:1, 6'9"MH, 15lb fluoro or braid depending on water clarity and what I'm throwing into Spinnerbaits - 6.x:1, 6'9"MH, 15-20lb fluoro Shallow/Med cranks - 6.x:1, 6'9"MH, 10-15lb fluoro Deep cranks - 5.x:1, 7'M, 10-15lb mono Flipping/Pitching - 7.x:1, 7'H, 50lb braid For a multi-purpose - you can do just about anything with a 6.x:1 reel, 6'6" to 7" MH rod, and 12-15lb fluoro
  2. To me, having fished both, they are so close it's too close to call and really comes down to personal preference. I prefer the SX. The STX is the same price point as the Curado not the SX. The new SX can be had for $140 on line with cheap/free shipping. The Curados almost NEVER can be found for <$190. If you can get an SX for $60 less than the Curado and it's a comparable reel...... just sayin....
  3. I have 3 Vendettas (went with these over Veritas because I found them on line for $47). I love them! No better rod for the money even at full price of $80. BTW the vendor that I got mine from is Midwest Hunters Outlet online store. The website is a major PITA but you can find them in Google shopping and link to it.
  4. I like a War Eagle Screamin Eagle in Mouse color. The SE has a smaller profile (but still 1/2oz), smaller willow blades, and the mouse color is translucent. I chunk this one a lot on Table Rock, which is extremely clear water (10+ ft of visibility)
  5. Culprit 7.5" or Power Worm 7"
  6. Yeah I am switching to owners or tro-kar tomorrow and see if that helps. Anyone tried tro-kar yet? Are they worth the money or should I get owner hooks? I don't know if switching hooks is the 100% answer to hook up problems or not - that said - Owner hooks are fantastic and IMO I don't see a reason to spend the extra $ on TroKar.
  7. I don't know if it makes a difference or not but I run a black or green sharpie up the first 12" of line after I tie on. I read somewhere that some pro did it so I thought I'd be cool if I did it too ;D
  8. YES! They had these on the shelf in KC BPS last year and it was a welcome sight. I toss them at night in the summer in Black Grape. I go with the 9" version in a lighter color during the day and flip em into laydowns and pole timber. Great worm and a definite big fish bite.
  9. I like to TRig them with a light sinker and flip them. There are days when I can slay them on it and others when they won't bite it. Good bait to have around though for sure. I also like the Zoom fork tail.
  10. Yes. I do it when I'm getting bit but the fish aren't holding on to it long enough to get a hook in em. I'll dunk the whole thing in - trailer and all.
  11. I've never used Smelly Jelly but I'll say this about JJ's. I had some used plastic worms laying on my boat deck when I put it in storage in November. When I got my boat out 2 weeks ago the worms still had a strong smell of JJ's on them. I can't claim that it lasts 'forever' but it has to be darn close. Now just stinking doesn't mean much to a fisherman so I'll also add that when I'm using JJ's I notice a difference in how long they will hold on.
  12. No, WAAAYYY up! like just around the corner from PP bridge.... Over on Ozarkanglers.com forum there is a dam report that they are not releasing any water yet and are on schedule to be able to release water starting April 7th. That is if we don't get too much rain. If they go by forecasted rain, it may be close to the max they want in the lake before being forced to release. I am fishing the first weekend of April and have NO idea what to do this time of year with the water currently at 14ft above pool. Dang WAAAY up the river is right! I guess with the water this high that is pretty navigable right now though. I'm telling you guys last year it was this high, this same time of year, and the HOT bite was BIG JIGS flipped into the flooded trees. I also flipped flukes and swimbaits into the trees but the bite was producing smaller bass. In a couple weeks when you are there the water should be into the low/mid 50's and you should def give it a try. I have a tournament there April 10 and that's what I'll be doing until the bass tell me otherwise!
  13. The good thing about this lake is you can usually find a flipping bite on the trees at 1-15' of water. Where'd you go - down around Twin Coves?
  14. I would go to the dam area personally but there are good fish to be had South of Coopers as well. Lot of guys hitting the dam area right now I'm sure though since it is a known big bass area this time of year. Secondaries in Decker could be good.
  15. Hands down the Owner Oversized Worm Hook. Best big worm hook out there IMHO. It comes in 7/0 or 11/0.
  16. Spring/Fall: Norman Fat boy Summer: Norman Deep Little N or Bomber Fat Free Shad
  17. I second that. If you use 50lb braid (minimum) and a stout rod then the spro frog is plenty soft enough to penetrate the hooks. 9 times out of 10 when people are having trouble hooking up with hollow body frogs it's technique error. Like the other guys have said, let them blow it up and take it down. Wait until you feel the weight of the fish, take up the slack and put the hammer down. You'll hear "count to 10" or something similar - well sort of - it's more of a feel thing. It might be 3 seconds, it might be 15. I hook up 90% of fish like this on a spro bronzeye. I use primarily SPRO frogs and I never make hook modifications. Also, don't think of it like a plastic worm or jig - they won't spit it out. My theory here is that they want to reposition the frog in their mouth to swallow it head first, so they take it to a safe location in their mouth before attempting to swallow. I've waited on fish 10, 20 seconds - set the hook and its right in the top of the mouth like it should be. Anyway I've gone off on a tangent. Long and short - wait longer before you set the hook.
  18. Craigslist - it was never installed so basically new.
  19. Mid-MO congrats on a great Pomme fish. That is a trophy bass on this lake. I have a buddy that caught an 8 last weekend on a jerkbait as well. I'll be down this weekend to fish and will have a report on Monday. If it's the usual prespawn/high water bite then they should be just outside the flooded trees/brush. Last year I caught em pretty good on that pattern w/ a fluke...... Derek and loonatic - Pomme is usually high during the prespawn and spawn times. This means the water will be up in the trees and brush. They tend to hold on the outer edges of flooded stuff in pre and post spawn. During the spawn I like to flip jigs behind the flooded stuff. You'll have to nose up in the flooded trees and flip to the bank. I'm sure that's just one pattern but it has worked for me in the past.
  20. I'm going to add another factor to this in my answer because it changes for me based on season: Spring: 10" worm Summer: 10" worm, Crankbait, jig Fall: Spinnerbait Winter: Jig
  21. Got one of these today on sale for $200. Can't wait to try it out. The down imaging looks SWEET on the screen shots.
  22. I'll be on Grand for the first time ever this year. I'm excited but need some lake info. Anything you've got is needed; water clarity (typical), structure, etc. thanks!
  23. Guys I'm hearing the same on the dam - no water out until early-mid May. Lake will probably be 20ft high like is was last year during the spawn. Which isn't a bad thing for those of us that enjoy flippin a jig into flooded trees! Anyone planning on fishing the Fed Nation tournament on Pomme April 10th? Let me know & we can hook up for food/beers Saturday night. Oh someone asked about winter bite on Pomme. Jigs and small plastics on the bluffs will usually fill a limit if you are patient enough to spend 8 cold hours on the water Once the water hits 50 they will start moving into pre-spawn areas/patterns.
  24. Man I'm ready for fishing weather! I was down at Pomme a couple weeks ago to check on my house. The lake was almost completely frozen over! I've never seen it with that much freeze over. Just for fun I'm going to put my 2010 Pomme fishing log results on here - enjoy! Fish Count: 184 Keeper Count: 105 Keeper %: 57 Avg weight: 1.37 Avg length: 13.51 Avg keeper weight: 1.73 Avg keeper length: 14.53 Big Fish: 5.5 4lb+: 2 3lb+: 5 2+: 28 Fishing trips: 30 Avg fish/trip: 6.1 Avg Kpr/trip: 3.5 Total weight: 252.90 Finesse worm 60 Crank bait 38 spinnerbait: 28 7" worm: 14 jig/pig: 12 fluke: 7 lizard: 3 10" worm: 2 Drop Shot: 1
  25. I fished all main lake stuff. I tried the backs but the bite was not there. Main lake banks with wood (pole timber or laydowns) were the best for me. There was a definite window of aggressive feeding around dawn and dusk. Fish bit all day but I had to 'force feed' them.
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