So you know how each is put together? At this point, no one knows the difference in manufacturing. I have to assume that Rick 'borrowed' the 3D models and brought them w/ him to LS. If so then the construction is exactly the same and the cost savings would be from component selection or LESS MARK UP.
Hooligan I'm not taking shots at MegaBass fishermen, I own some myself. My point is that every time I bought one I would cringe at how much profit they HAD to be making. And based one what? Superior construction? Or components? I'd venture to say the Rattlin Rogue catches just as good for $5 in the right setting. To me they all have their place; RC, McStick, Rogue.
I just hope for the average fisherman that the LS baits turn out to be just as good so that the market price gets driven down. By dismissing LS wholesale as junk or unreliable we enable MegaBass et al to continue to take us behind the wood shed every time we buy a jerk bait. I'm not for Luck E Strike, I'm for keeping quality baits affordable for the ones who buy 95% of them - the average Joe weekend angler.