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Everything posted by basstracker721

  1. Not the best pics in the world. Taken with my phone. It is a Bass tracker Grizzly 1754 w/ 25 hp EFI 4-Stroke. Newly carpeted. Rear Depth finder w/GPS. Front Depth finder is a Humminbird 525. 46 lb thrust Motorguide. Can't wait to get her wet!! I'll get better pics soon.
  2. Me and my brother used to fish the Devil's River here in Texas at a place called Baker's Crossing. It was full of bass, largemouth and smallies. Well, his buddy, used to loan us his portaboat all the time. It folds up flat. It is like hauling a surfboard. Anyways we had a ball in that boat. Put a trolling motor on it, and took off. The bench seats is what holds it open. They are great if you dont have the means for a bigger boat. I'd still like to have one myself!
  3. Oh, one thing nobody has mentioned, DON'T FORGET TO TURN YOUR HEADLIGHTS OFF...just leave your parklights on. It tends to blind people. 8-)
  4. I have a new (well a 2007) Tracker Grizzly 1754.with a 25 hp 4 stroke Mercury.It is a solid boat! I'll use it for bass fishing. It was a wedding present from my wifes uncle. We picked it up this weekend. He had it carpeted though. It quiets things down alot. I can't WAIT to get it out on the water. I wish the rod box was longer. I am still figuring out where I want to put everything. Tracker could have put more storage in it. But It was free..so I have no right to complain. I love it though. I have driven it, it handles nice. It is a modified v, so t handles water better than a regular jon boat. I'm sure it is tough as nails. But for tough, serious fishing boat, they are hard to beat.
  5. I just read that a company named Silstar makes BPS and Browning reels. Also, they bought the Pflueger name. So I guess Silstar makes all the BPS reels. I still question the carbonlite. To me it REALLY looks like a Revo. That info is loosly based off of something that happened a long time ago, but it is not at all accurate. The short answer is that the Revo reels & some BPS reels are made in the same factory, and some of the same engineers were involved with both reels. A pretty large percentage of the stuff you buy is not "made" by the company who has their name on it. And a huge portion of the factories out there are independant companies, and are not owned by any "name brand" that you would be familiar with. In most cases the company who has their name on the product is heavily involved in the design process, and may own specific tooling involved in production, but the majority of the time they don't actually own the factory. But even with all that long description... the factory that makes the Revo, the PQ, and some of the high end Pflueger reels has nothing to do with Silstar. edit: and yes the Carbonlite is built in that same factory as well. If you look closely you'll see it's the same platform as the PQ. Thanks Yak, I figured that out after further reading. Looks like AFAIK is who makes the reels metioned. Silstar has nothing to do with them. So Revo, PQ, JM, probably Pflueger, and possibly the Carbonlite are all coming from the same factory. Well, I know Revo's are good, so the factory does put out quality stuff.
  6. After further investigation, I see several people saying that Pflueger makes BPS reels, and some saying Silstar does, or that Silstar makes "some" reels for Pflueger. I know Silstar is the mother company of Pinnacle reels, but know nothing of their afilliation with Pflueger.. I also read that AFAIK (in Korea) makes the BPS JM reels, and the Abu Revos. .....I do know for a fact that Pure Fishing owns Abu, AND they own Pflueger. If the same company that builds the Revos, build the higher end BPS JM reels, then they probably make the Carbonlite also, and that might be why it is so similar to the Revo Premier. Also, if Pure Fishing has AFAIK making Revos, then why wouldnt they have them make Pfluegers also? So, the same factory that builds Revos, also builds Pflugers, and JM Reels, and quite possibly the Carbonlight.
  7. I just read that a company named Silstar makes BPS and Browning reels. Also, they bought the Pflueger name. So I guess Silstar makes all the BPS reels. I still question the carbonlite. To me it REALLY looks like a Revo.
  8. well i set out and tried it on my current baitcaster rod, just a berkely el cheapo. it actually came out better than i thought and only took me about 20 minutes all said and done. the pic below with the cork grip is my buddy's that he did today in about the same amount of time. and i gotta post up the megaforce haha Man, your foam grip one looks great. Looks like it shaped nicely.good Job!
  9. I uses gloss krylon. You know, If I had to do it over again, I would have used a light colored primer first. Up close, I ca see thin spots in the paint, also, i dunno how durable the coat will be over time. But, like I said, it was my first try. Trial and error over time will help a man develop a good system.
  10. I want a carbonlite real bad!or should I say "reel" bad! you know, I know pfluger makes most of the reels for BPS. But The carbonlite looks ALOT like the Revo Premier. Same weight, the design is almost the same. Look at the two side by side. There are minor differences, but for the most part, at least to me, The carbonlite looks like it was made by Abu Garcia.
  11. Silver Bullet, It might. I have never tried it. the problem with foam is, I don't know if you can "shape" the foam once it is all said and done. I dunno if it "tears" and have rough edges, or sands smooth. I guess I will have to try one.
  12. My fishing partner does that also. They are very comfortable that way. This was my first go at it. I am sure that I will "hone" my craft in time. I did mine a certain way because I wanted the heel of my hand to rest directly on the blank. When I hold the rod, I "hold the reel". Very little of my hand actally touches the handle. the trigger of the rod, goes in between my pinkie and ring finger. But the main thing is, before anybody does this to their rod, visualize how you hold it, and what would be comfortable. Because personal preference is everything.
  13. Thanks Dave! That was a good post. That is very close to how I did it. Except I didnt heat the glue. I also used a dremel tool. ....also, I didn't realize how easy posting rod pictures, turned into international business practices. LOL!
  14. I wanna see the Carbonlite. Next rig I get will be a 7'Med action. I want it light. I am probably going to get Revo Premier, but they are $$! I have all the time in the world to decide though. I am looking forward to the BPS Spring Classic.
  15. Cool! That looks killer.
  16. Islandbass, That rod looks great!
  17. Acetone might work to remove the glu from the blank. I used sandpaper also. Depending on the makeup of the glue, I know you can by cyanacralate remover at hobby shops like hobby lobby. it is with the cyanacralate, usually in the model airplane isle. Haven't tried to remove it chemically, but it is a good idea. If you use acetone, keep it away from plastic.
  18. NO, All the handles are there LOL! .... ...to another question about what not to do. The main thing I would NOT do is "whittle" the cork away, or cut into the blank. BE CAREFUL!. Don't cut the blank. If you use a knife to chip the cork away, take your time, dont "whittle" it, just gently pop it away. Other than that, It is easy.
  19. P-Line makes good line. I bought the original a long time ago, and didnt care for it then. I use P-Line CX-Premium now. I love it! It is good mono. I spray it with KVD Line and Lure conditioner. AWESOME STUFF! Makes for some good, trouble free fishing.
  20. Yes they did. A Box Cutter, Dremel tool, and sandpaper, were the tools used.
  21. Just thought I would share a pic of some rods I customized. I turned them into splitgrips and painted the blank to the first eylet. The rods are different brands so that is why they look a little different. It is pretty easy to do, and cost very little. It was fun too!
  22. That is a good all purpose speed for all applcations. It is fast enough to "burn it" and slow enough to where if you slow down, you can slow roll a spinnerbait at the bottom. Good all around choice!
  23. Thanks guys! I am glad to be part of the family!
  24. The latest North American Fisherman episode had this on knot wars. You can go to their website and check them out. There were several.
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