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Everything posted by fishindrew

  1. I fished at LCR on Saturday from 1:00pm to about 5:30pm with a friend of mine. We each caught 1 pike, I caught 3 small bass and he caught 2 small bass. the biggest bass might have gone 2lbs. It was the second time I fishing there. The guy at the check in desk said they are going to have an open tournament soon. I can't remember the dates but if you call up there he will let you know.
  2. Mark, look at the video in this link. Try throwing the double fluke rig and see if you can get two at a time. http://www.bassedge.com/media/show/Jonathon+VanDam+-+Double+Fluke+Rig
  3. Thanks Micro, I live in James City County between the 2 reservoirs. I have only been to Little Creek once. I typically go to Diascound (it's free).do you go to Little Creek often for striper fishing? If so, maybe on day this fall we can catch up and try to catch some.
  4. Has anyone had any luck with stiped bass? Where do you fish and what kind of baits? I have only been there 2 times and have not had much luck. Thanks,
  5. when you exit onto Staples Mill Rd from I-64 there is a small lake or pond on the corner of Dickens Rd and Staples Mill. It looks like it would be good fishing. Has anyone fished this lake? Best I can tell, the only access would be through an appartment complex. Is this a public lake? Any information would be great. Thanks,
  6. I did find some creek channels but the wind made keeping the boat stable and fishing soft plastics difficult. I ended up fishing in the backs of the coves that were protected from the wind and running a scum frog over the pads. I had my brother-in -law with me, he missed quite a few, I didn't really have much action. I was fortunate to catch this future 12#er ;D
  7. Thanks for all the information. I will have to mess around a bit more the the depth finder. maybe I will see you guys out there on Sunday. I will let you know how I make out. Thanks,
  8. If you turned the lights back on you would see that your not very good looking. ;D
  9. Do you need an external thermometer to see the thermocline? I have a Lowrance HDS 5X. I only have what came with it, the unit and the transducer. I can't figure out how to see the thermocline. any help would be great. Thanks
  10. That's pretty considerate for an Ol' Dirty Basstard
  11. Thanks for the advise guys. I will give it a try. ;D
  12. Hey guys, I will be going to Briery Creek for the first time this year on the 26th. Can anyone tell me what the bass will be hitting this time of year? I am also not sure where to start. I have only been there 2 times and was a little overwhelmed, everyplace looked good. Any help would be great. Thanks
  13. I just fished on Wednesday in henton WV we had a group of 6 people all trying differant baits. we had the most luck with a 4" PB&J lizzard. Yum has stopped making them and they are very hard to find. we just added a split shot about 8" above the lizzard on the line and drifted it down the rapids.
  14. I caught a 2 - 2 1/2lbs bass out of biggest pond. alot of small bass. I work at the Arboretum and security will run you off. i have the best luck with night trips using a black spinner bait.
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