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Everything posted by fishindrew

  1. I have been trying to cast net for gizzard shad at wallermill park in williamsburg va. I have been after catfish and stripers. I have searched backs of coves, main lake points, flats, open water, and everywhere else. I see what looks like bait balls on my fish finder but nothing in the cast net. Anyone have any ideas. Thanks
  2. I was casting out to what i thought was a log sticking out of the water and got my lure hung. I waded out to get it and saw it was a trash bag. I pulled it back to shore. someone stuffed a dead dog in the trash bag and through it in the lake. there was nothing letf but bone and fur.
  3. I have not fished in that many golf course ponds. When I do, I go at night time so I don't bother anyone playing golf. Also don't need to worry about the stray balls.
  4. it came with a spare set of legs and a tool to change them out.
  5. I just picked one of these bad boys up today. they look nice and the you tube videos look good. has anyone used it? do the legs hold up?
  6. BAssclary, I used the mold in the below link. it worked good. I am not sure how long it will hold up. you can also get some ideas from youtube. one guy made his mold out if fiberglass resin. it looked like it would last for a good while. http://www.tacklemaking.com/default.php?pageID=52
  7. Thanks for the help guys. I will have to go out for a few days and play with it. I will print the post and take with me next time as a reference.
  8. I have a Lowrance HDS-5X. the question I have is how to determine where you are in relation to the bottom. I asked the sales person at Bass Pro, he said that the right side of the screen is directly under the boat...makes sense to me. I was fishing at my local lake this weekend and was looking at the fish finder for structure, once I saw something come on to the screen I would through a marker buoy.after fishing around the marker buoy for a while I would pick up and go somewhere else. Wile picking up the buoy i would notice that the structure that I thought i was fishing was not there. I guess the real question is if the screen on the display is always moving (even when the boat is stopped) how can you figure out how far back you actually ran over the structure. Thanks for all your help in advance.
  9. diascound is free. little creek and the chick have launch fees.diascound is sun up to dark. not sure what the hours are for the others.
  10. do you fish there a lot. I have been there a bunch of time. I typically beat the back. I just started at the end of last season trying to fish structure off shore. do you have any good spots?
  11. I looked this morning, what you can see driving past on I64 and it was not frozen. that is a pretty shallow part of the lake so I would think the rest of it would be fine.
  12. I am going to try my luck on Sunday. Weather should be some what good. not sure if I will l go to Diascound or Waller Mill. Any suggestions? Anyone else going?
  13. just looked at an aerial of Powhatan lake on Bing maps. I am not sure how old the picture is but the lake is dry. anyone know how old this is? you can get a pretty good idea of where the creek channel is.
  14. Alumabass, is there a boat ramp or do you have to put a small boat in from the bank?
  15. try predator bait at the link below http://predatorbassbaits.com/id69.html
  16. when I was 13 or 14, I got my lure stuck on what appeared to be a log sticking out of the water. I waded in to get my lure back to find out that the log was the corner of a trash bag. I dragged it back onto shore and for some reason opened it. it was some kind of dog. nothing left of it but bone and fur. looked like a German Shepard.
  17. Yum Dinger
  18. I worked on radio towers for a while lifting heavy steel in the air. What you are describing is basically attaching your lure in a choked position. if you look at any rigging manual or the tag on a rigging sling, the rated weight you can pick up with the sling is cut in half in the choked position. I would imagine that it would be the same effect with fishing line. It may be quick and easy to change baits but the line will not be as strong.
  19. Tried making a worm mold from Plaster of Paris today. I glued some pieces of other plastic worms together to use as a template. the first worm came out OK. have a look at the picture below. let me know if you have any tips. Thanks,
  20. I only have a few rods. I use all of them for any type of fishing I do, I don't have specific rods for a certain technique. does anyone know if you need a leader on hi-vis yellow braid when frog fishing? Thanks,
  21. Has anybody ever had a bottle of JJ's explode? I had a bottle of the yellow sitting in my tackle box on the deck of the boat. It was fine when I opened it but when I dipped the bait into it, the liquid boiled over and covered me and the boat. Just wandering if this has happened to anyone else? I have not used it since.
  22. Has anybody ever had a bottle of JJ's explode? I had a bottle of the yellow sitting in my tackle box on the deck of the boat. It was fine when I opened it but when I dipped the bait into it, the liquid boiled over and covered me and the boat. Just wandering if this has happened to anyone else? I have not used it since.
  23. Has anybody ever had a bottle of JJ's explode? I had a bottle of the yellow sitting in my tackle box on the deck of the boat. It was fine when I opened it but when I dipped the bait into it, the liquid boiled over and covered me and the boat. Just wandering if this has happened to anyone else? I have not used it since.
  24. Thanks BASSclary, your gifts came today. I had a few of the same lures until last July. Note...don't leave a clear top tacklebox in the bed of your truck all day in July, your lures will melt. Most of them i had not even used yet. I can't wait until the lake thaws out so I can try them out.
  25. I have put in at Huguenot park and rowed up to the d**n but have not been there since end of August. Let me know how you do. I have been trying to get some of my friends to go.....
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