Current Conditions. Water Color, Light, Wind, Current, Type of Lake, Seasonal Patterns, Grass or no Grass?, Bottom Composition?, Bait?.....you can make this list as long as you want to, and it will seem complicated at first, but if you start looking at the daily conditions and keeping notes, it doesn't take too long before most of what's on this list (as applicable to your fishing situation) is just running in the background of your mind as you fish, on auto pilot.
Even the studies that suggest that the Full and New moon produce most of the World Records or biggest fish (Hannon and others), they all seem to break down when you look at the data with even a tiny bit of scrutiny.
You see the words New and Full Moon, and something like 65% of the records are caught within 3 days of each. You instantly think, "This is simple, 65% of the fish are caught on just those 2 days"...But if you think it through, they said 3 days before and after each, so now we're talking about 3+1+3 (Full), and 3+1+3 (New) = 14 days. A lunar cycle is 29,5 days, so we're talking about basically half of the cycle (47%) produces 65% of the fish, which is really not that big of a deal, and it should also be noted that these studies always consider lots of other species besides bass, which to me weakens the case even further. And then, Hannon was hawking a calendar too, so there's that. I'd probably like it a little more if it weren't tied to a marketing scheme
In the end, you might be able to argue for a slight advantage to fishing the Full and New, but it's negligible at best and it will always be overpowered by current conditions anyway, so I go with that. And for what it's worth, I do absolutely believe that the Solunar periods have an effect on the fish and the bait, it has been proven in labs that they act differently during the high and low tides, etc...
An exception to my argument? The spawn. They all hit the bank on the full moons in the spring