I saw this exchange in A-Jays thread, and it got me thinking:
A-Jay Said:
I cannot say for sure why I don't get nearly as many bites on a bright night as I do on a totally to near moonless night, but I do.
My version of the reason is that many of the lakes here have very clear water, so with a big bright moon, the advantage of "Darkness" is all but gone for me. I can see shallow water cover quite easily, so I can assume the bass can see equally as well also.
I'd love to be able to catch on the brighter nights as opposed to the pitch black ones, but my results make the choice easy for me.
Moon = NO Bass. No Moon = Bass.
So fishing on a full moon is certainly Night Bassing, but for me there's less catching.
Bluebasser Said:
I also prefer darker nights.
Full moon nights are extremely difficult for me, but one thing I've noticed is I tend to get at least 1 big bite on bright nights.
If I had the option, I'd mainly stick to around half moon to a new moon.
Catt Said:
Three days either side of the full moon, I tend to fish deeper offshore structure.
Around the new moon, I'll tend to move shallow.
then it's a coin flip! **Unless there's cloud cover,
Bluebasser Said:
Maybe that's my issue. I tend to stay shallow at night regardless of moon phase.
I'll have to try backing off the bank next time and seeing if that helps.
I have started sticking to lighter colors during a bright moon and noticed an increase in productivity when I did that, but still way down from darker nights.
.....Anyway, it really hit home HARD for me. I immediately decided to go back and examine my fishing logs for the last year and see if this trend was real or just in my imagination.
I have been night fishing a lot of ponds in my area from the bank for the last year, so I am basically always fishing shallow and my primary method is topwater, and mostly a *Buzzbait.
This actually helps my data-set because I essentially have a control in place: Always Shallow / Always Topwater. Therefore, I am able to compare results based on moon brightness without skewing the data with a lot of different bait presentations.
(*The topwater stuff just covers water and you don’t snag, which makes night bank fishing faster and easier, even if it isn’t always the best bait selection for the conditions)
OK, so I started running down my list.
I decided that “Bright” was from the 1st Quarter-Full-to Last Quarter and clear skies,
And “Dark” was from the Last Quarter-New-First Quarter + Cloudy/Rainy Nights during the bright period.
- I had 92 night trips over the last 14 months. A trip by definition for me is however long I fish at any one pond. In other words, in 1 night I might hit 3 different ponds, so they are all logged separately as 3 trips.
For “Bright” nights, I had:
- 13 Good Trips
- 22 Bad Trips
So 2-1 poor fishing.
For “Dark” nights, I had:
- 42 Good Trips
- 15 Bad Trips
So 3-1 Good Fishing.
- I had 3 to 1 more good “Dark” nights than good “Bright” nights
- I had 1.5 to 1 more bad “Bright” trips than bad “Dark” trips
Then I isolated big fish stats (4-8 lbs. only):
There were 25 data entries in this category.
By straight Moon phase w no weather adjustment, I got:
“Dark” = 17 over 4
“Bright” = 8 over 4
- So 2 to 1 better on dark nights, but then I factored in clouds/rain for some of the bright nights, and it’s actually:
“Dark” or “Bright” + clouds/rain = 21 over 4
“Bright” and calm/clear skies = 4 over 4
- So 5-1 better odds of a big fish for me on dark nights, or “Bright” nights w some weather!!
This is pretty staggering. I felt like I was catching better on the darker nights, but I never really took the time to break down the numbers until now.
What did I learn?
1 – Obviously, the dark nights produce a lot better, for both numbers and size
2 – I've got to alter my presentations on clear nights, I need to start treating the Moon basically the same as the Sun. In other words, when the Moon is bright on a clear night, and is casting a shadow, just like the Sun…I need to finesse my presentations down and fish cover or fish deeper.
No Buzzbait on Clear/Bright nights-too easy to silhouette/switch to a clear Spook, Clear Baby Torpedo, or more subtle topwater
No Spinnerbait or Chatterbait on Clear/Bright nights/switch to Keel-Weighted Swimbait or T-Rigs on the bottom or in cover.
I want to thank Catt, A-Jay and Bluebasser for bringing this to my attention. Catt has always said “I fish the same baits at night as I do in the day”…and I think I finally get it! He is treating the Moon just like the Sun, duh
Thanks guys, I hope this helps someone else.
I'd love to hear others comments and experiences on this topic.