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Everything posted by MFBAB

  1. I'm pretty sure TN still does a combo small game/fishing for around $25-30 a year. I've had a lifetime for about 10 years so not really sure any longer.
  2. Zoom Fat Alberts, GYCB, Kalins
  3. Pickwick, really the whole TN river from Wheeler dam to KY lake has a lot of Smallies.
  4. Excellent! Bet you guys will have a ton of fun down there, don't get carried away on Bourbon St
  5. I understand that same day coverage for fishing isn't quite as easy to produce as say a golf tourney or football game but I always liked the effort they gave it during the classic for the past few years. There has got to be a better alternative out there for BASS coverage on TV, not that I'm dissatisfied w/ what ESPN airs, I would just like to see it expanded a little.
  6. Sorry if this has already been posted. It looks like there is no TV coverage on ESPN until the following week, is this correct? I wish BASS would switch to the Outdoor Channel or something so we could get a little more coverage, anyone else?
  7. Prefer baitcaster but I use some spinning tackle when I have to, lighter lures and lines require it.
  8. Raul, I agree that you still have to know where and how to fish, no doubt. I was basically saying that the technological advances have made the learning curve so much faster for people today compared to "back in the day" that the comparison isn't even really fair. We have better boats, motors, quieter trollers, stronger & thinner lines, easier casting reels, gazillions of improved terminal tackle options and new techniques, sonar, gps w/ Navionics charts, more detailed magazines, books, internet forums, satellite imagery, up to the minute weather forecasts, etc. That isn't to say that a lot of those older lures don't still work, I just think that I've got a lot more arrows in my quiver than I did when I started 30 sumpin' years ago
  9. Awesome, thanks Glenn!
  10. really nice!
  11. I fish creeks in the Ozarks for Smallies & Spots, T-rigged weightless or lightly weighted Speed Craws (Or similar) work great.
  12. I think there's no doubt it has gotten easier, every aspect of equipment is better and more efficient across the board. Not to mention C&R is the norm now, didn't used to be that way at all. Just the fact that we're sitting here chatting about fishing makes it easier, good information was harder to come by back in the day.
  13. I like it, they pack a lot of articles into those 4 issues.
  14. I like that black one. I never fish black for bass, don't know why. Over the last few years trolling cranks for crappie black has outfished any other single color at least 2-1 on average, especially during low light but not limited to low light.
  15. Very little.
  16. I have an issue that says Jan/2011. I think they only put out either 4 or 6 issues a year.
  17. I have the lifetime for TN. Being in Memphis I usually need a Mississippi and an Arkansas most years too, get those online.
  18. awesome!
  19. That's way more involved than mine but I definitely think keeping a log of some kind with the info that's most important to you is a big help.
  20. Downsize, straight tail worms, etc.
  21. Some buddies of mine have been pounding them for a couple of weeks spider rigging minners around the channel and on flats right above the dam, good luck.
  22. Throw some Craws in there, Rage or Zoom Speed Craws, Chiggar Craws. They're good as trailers on jigs or T-rigged, C-rigged, weightless, just about any way you want to fish it.
  23. There it is.
  24. There's a thread going in the tackle forum about this too, I plan to start using them some this year. I will be putting them on Shaky Heads and FB jigs probably, I think some T-rig them as well.
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